The Move

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(I'm sorry for the late chapter i'm really busy!)
Zuma pov

Wockys been acting weally weird lately i wonder what's wrong with him. "Zuma, can we play pup pup boogie now?" Skye asked.

"Sure." I said as i looked back to where Rocky left. "Let's go."

I saw Skye was already walking her way there so i ran towards her.

Rocky pov

"Now where to go." I mumbled to myself as i looked around Main St.

I looked over at Mr. Porter's but i do recall he barely has enough space for himself and Alex. I looked at the lemonade stand, kids were already there, so i passed.

I looked at Katie's place and that was it! I could spend my days over at her place! "Now let's just go see if i'm able to live there for a while..."

Skye pov

Me and Zuma were playing pup pup boogie together, man he was so hot when he played. "Alwight, Skye, i'm gonna win!" He said as i gazed into his eyes. I was too deep into my fantasy and i twisted my ankle by accident.

"Ouch!" I yelped as i fell down on the boogie board, which was going nuts right now. "Skye, are you ok?" Zuma asked, forgetting about the game.

"Yeah, Skye, you ok?" Chase asked as he appeared at the scene. Rumor has it, he likes me but i don't believe that. "Yeah, i'm fi- ow!" I said, trying to get up at the end.

"Looks like this is a job for Marshall!" Marshall said as he bursted in with his doctor stuff. The pain i was going threw made me really embarrassed, i got hurt because i gazed too deeply into Zuma.

Marshall checked my ankle with his x-ray screen. "Arf! X-Ray screen!" He barked. The screen came to my ankle.

As he was examining it, i just blushed a deep red. "Luckily, it's just a strain, you should rest easily today, tomorrow it'll be better." Marshall said as his x-ray screen was called back up.

"Thanks, Marshall." Zuma said, thanking him for me. Zuma turned to me and he picked me up. "Come on, Skye, let's go to our pup houses." He said as he walked off.

I smiled uncontrollably, Zuma was really sweet. "Ok." I said softly as i rested my head on his head. I closed my eyes and felt really great, i never wanted to get off.

Rocky pov

"You mean i can't stay then?" I said with a puppy face and my tail down. "Sorry, Rocky, i can't. If i could i would." Katie said as she petted me. I just whimpered as a response, what am i supposed to do now?

"But, you can come for lunch and dinner anytime." She said with a bright warming smile. I returned it with a small smile, i nodded. "Thanks anyway... Bye Katie." I said as i got up from sitting.

"Your welcome, Rocky, take care!" She said as she waved and off i went. I walked this time, i should save my energy just in case. I searched around for a possible place to stay.

I sighed as i saw no one would probably take me. "I made a stupid mistake for treating the pups badly..." I said with an intense amount of guilt towards the pups.

Ryder pov

Today there were no missions, which seems pretty odd. I couldn't help but look at the microscope we have. I searched around Adventure Bay and saw everything seemed ok. I put it back up and asked myself.

"I wonder how Rocky is." I sat down on the dark blue bean bag chair and went on my pup pad. I saw i had a message from Katie, so i opened it, it read;

"Rocky went to Katie's? Wait, Rocky... To the pound?" I questioned furiously. I looked back at the microscope and i saw Rocky was walking all by himself.

I looked behind him and there i saw a dog catcher van. "Oh no!" I cried as i threw up the microscope. I got my pup pad and i called the paw patrol. "PAW PATROL TO THE LOOKOUT!" I yelled.

Rocky pov

I was peacefully walking as i looked over at home... Home. I sighed and i heard footsteps behind me. Then, before i knew it, i was captured. "Ah! Let me go!" I shouted.

I saw it was the dog catchers! They threw me in the the van and they drove off.

"Oh man, now i really wish i never was mean."

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now