Making our way out

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Hey everyone! I'm making an announcement that i am doing a crossover when this story hits 1K VIEWS! Woo-Hoo! How will i do it? you'll se, anyways off we go! (sorry for the disappointing short chapter)

Rocky pov

I slowly opened my eyes and when i did, i saw Skye. She was fast asleep. I got up and stretched to fully wake up, i didn't exactly have the best sleep last night.

I looked at the sea and it was a beautiful baby blue. The seagulls were on their way to Adventure Bay for their meals. I watched them fly away and saw that it was behind me.

"So when we leave we head over there." I thought, looking north.

My stomach started rubbling, since i skipped on dinner last night even though Ryder pushed me into eating it.

I looked around for my pup pack, but i remembered, i let Skye use it as a pillow.

I had to think of something, but what? I searched my surroundings and i saw nothing but a bush full of berries.

"Hmm..." I murmured as i looked at Skye, the bag, and then the berries.

Ryder always said not to eat berries you're not sure are safe. Maybe he's right this time, i should probably wait.

I looked at the berries but i shook my head and slapped myself.

"I can go longer without food." I mumbled as i walked to the edge of the cliff.

Below, there were boulders the size of a car and as sharp as a needle. Needless to say, it looks very dangerous. Including the water, the thought of falling down was terrifying enough.

I turned away and saw Skye rubbing her eyes.

"Morning." i told her as she took off the blanket.

"Good morning." She said as stretched.

I walked to the pup pack and i got out two bags of chips, that was all i had.

I saw the chips was a bag of Doritos. I gave her one and in exchange, she gave me my now folded up blanket.

She gladly took the bag of chips as i gladly took the blanket. I put the blanket away in the pup pack as Skye opened her bag.

"Ready to go?" I asked as i put on my pup pack.

"Sure, but, can we spend some time snacking here?" She asked.

I nodded and took off my pup pack again, leaving it on the spot where it was.

I joined her as she looked at the bay, eating her chips as she enjoyed the view. I sat next to her and opened my own bag.

"You know Rocky, before i knew you were..." She started, i signaled her to go on but i slowly started to catch her drift. "I have to be truthful, i ONCE had a crush on you."

"Really?" I asked as i swallowed a chip.

She nodded and looked down at her paws as she glanced at me.

I just tried ignoring it and look at the bay, i wonder what Zuma was doing.

At the lookout...

Zuma pov

"Hey where are Rocky and Skye?" Everest asked.


back with the pups...

Skye pov

I felt strange, like i have no idea. I mean, Rocky's totally changed for some reason. I got several chips and ate some more, before we knew it the bags were empty.

"Are you done with your chips?" He asked.

I nodded and he got the back and stored it in his pup pack.

"Are you uncomfortable talking to me now that you confessed?" He asked.

I shook my head no , as proof i said.

"No, let's go.."

20 minutes later...

"Well we're free." Rocky said as we made it out of the forest, finally seeing the pup park.

I nodded and gave him a hug, it took a while for him to hug back but he eventually did. 

"Do you think we're gonna remain friends from now on?" I whispered.

"I have a feeling the author made this a one time thing, but i don't know."

Competing for Zuma's Heart. -RockyxZuma or RockyxSkye fanficWhere stories live. Discover now