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season one,episode one

season one,episode one

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

                    THEY HAD PAINTED THE WALLS. AURORA WAS RETURNING TO SEATTLE grace hospital for the first time in eight years to begin her surgical residency and all she could recognise was that the walls were no longer that ugly pale green colour that resembled a child's sick, but now it was white, with white ceilings and ivory floors.

it was hard to see richard webber over the crowd of people around her, even her relatively decent height she still couldn't catch a glimpse of the room he was standing before. the sign thankfully told her that they were outside the operating room.

she felt weird, being back. she felt the instinct the trace the white scar that stuck out against her skin, directly above where her heart is. she took a deep breath before looking at the ceiling, it almost flickered for a moment, as if she had lost her sense of reality. she felt as if it was a flash of photos, in one she was standing, watching, and in another she was lying on a gurney preparing to be taken in for surgery.

"each one of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game," he spoke to the wide-eyed, eager interns in front of him. "a month ago you were in med school, being taught by doctors. today, you are the doctors,"

he opened the door to the operating room. she felt like someone had just punched her in the throat, as she walked in she seemed to relive every single part of her childhood. "the next seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life," aurora stood up slightly, folding her arms over her chest. she was unsure of what he meant, what exactly was she getting herself into? "you will be pushed to the breaking point. look around you, say hello to your competition,"

aurora tore her eyes off of the chief, and instead looked around the rest of the twenty-something people around her. there was a blonde girl, who she had noticed had arrived a bit later than the rest, she seemed to be an expert at tiptoeing around as dr webber hadn't even noticed her. then there was a tall, blonde girl with a pearly white smile, she must be the model that aurora had heard about. across from the blonde was a girl that couldn't have been more opposite, raven hair and a glare on her ice cold face.

she set her gaze back on the chief, who spoke again. "eight of you will switch to an easier speciality, five of you will crack under the pressure, two of you will be asked to leave. this is your starting line. this is your arena. how well you play? that's up to you."

the whole walk to the changing room, those words were stuck in her head. she occupied the locker beside a boy with curly hair that was a bit long at the front, frustrated at the fact her slightly overpacked bag wouldn't fit into her locker, no matter how hard she pushed it.

"n-need some help?" the boy questioned, a slight stutter in his voice as he was slightly intimidated by the girl beside him. "i'm george, george o'malley,"

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