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season one episode five.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

RORY HADN'T KNOWN HOW TO REACT WHEN MEREDITH TOLD HER ABOUT HER MOTHERS ALZHEIMERS. it was as if her friend had never actually told her, they hadn't spoke about it since, which made rory question whether or not it had been some strange, sick and twisted dream.

she was now in the gallery watching meredith scrub in on burke's heart transplant that day. her eyes widened as meredith held the heart, shutting her eyes for just a second ━━ as if she had fallen asleep or something. she shot back awake right away, something slipped, but it all looked fine.

"i wish i could hold a heart," george sighed dreamily as he ate chips out of a bag.

"a monkey could hold a heart," christina scoffed, aurora stole the coffee out of her hand and took a large sip of it.

"you're just mad because burke didn't get you to scrub in," she told the agitated girl, knowing full well from the day she met her that she was on the brink of falling in love with cardio, if only burke would let her on his service.

"george, i need more ice and chips," izzie entered the gallery, referring to the party she was throwing later that night so they could meet her boyfriend. "rory, are you still okay to let us borrow your stash?"

rory's stash of alcohol was hidden in the mini fridge behind her large cupboard in her underwear drawer, covered by all the unorganised bras and panties. she never let her friends use it, or even know of it's whereabouts, as it was hers for when they stressed her out and she needed to wind down, by wind down, she meant chugging a few bottles of something until she was drunk enough to not give a shit.

"yeah just pay me back, in wine, or vodka," she then moved her hand as if dismissing her. "i don't really care, just buy me alcohol if you want to use my alcohol,"

"spoken like a true alcoholic," asher's voice was heard as he slipped into the seat beside aurora, who shot him a dashing smile. christina sat forward in her seat, surveying him for a moment.

"who are you?" christina grumbled, unimpressed as she glared him up and down.

"asher. you're christina?" in the past few days, aurora had become more and more comfortable with asher, she said hi to him every time she saw him, they spoke on the phone frequently, she was just yet to tell her friends, knowing what they were like.

he then turned to aurora, "sorry i'm late, my alarm didn't go off,"

"that's like, the third time this week. maybe you should buy a new alarm clock?" she suggested, knowing that it was bound to be broken by the amount of times he knocked it over while they called each other.

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