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season one, episode four.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

WHAT AURORA HATED MOST ABOUT HER RESIDENCY WAS THAT IT MEANT BEING UP AND MOVING AT 4:30AM. she was not a morning person, the opposite, actually, and as if being awoken early wasn't bad enough ━━ she had to sit and listen to george and izzie arguing about the model walking into the bathroom in her underwear while george was showering.

"that reminds me," izzie stood up from the passenger seat of the car. "we are out of tampons."

as if on cue, aurora felt her stomach twinge slightly, izzie basically summoned it. "you're parading in your underwear when i'm naked in the shower."

"you won't buy tampons when i'm bleeding out of my vagina," aurora retorts, sticking her tongue out at him childishly to try and dismiss the fact that he was starting to get on her nerves.

"can you add it to your list?" izzie blatantly ignores him.


"tampons." aurora watches carefully as george's face contorts.

"to the list, it's your turn." meredith tells him, aurora nods beside her.

"i am a man!" he shouted making the tired girl wince. "i don't buy girl products!" the girls fought their laughter at his reaction, "i don't want you walking in while i'm in the shower, and i don't want to see you in your underwear."

"it doesn't bother me, ok?" izzie shrugs, her blonde hair swishing in the ponytail behind her. aurora slightly envied the girl, she managed to look gorgeous at three in the morning while the darker haired girl looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. her hair was in a messy updo that was barely there anymore, half of her hair was falling onto her back, she hadn't wore makeup in days and was still wearing her sweats and t-shirt, she only woke up ten minutes before they left to brush her teeth and shower quickly. "look at me in my underwear, george. take your time, it's no big deal."

"you are the first person they see in the morning," bailey walked around the locker room, all of the interns were changed. "you say please, you say thank you, you apologise for waking them up. you make them feel good about you. why is that important? 'cause then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. why is that important? because then you can tell your attending what they need to know during rounds. and why is that important? because if you make your resident look bad, she'll torture you until you beg for your mama."

"morbid," aurora commented, pulling her light blue scrub top over her forest green henley.

"now get out there, i want prerounds done by five thirty am," bailey told them, finally exiting the locker room. aurora watched meredith stuff her trauma protocol book into her pocket, in case she would need it.

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