Fear lives in us all

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We thought things were good. Steven had to leave and I was sad but I got over it. He came back and things were back to how they were, or so we thought. Sheldon had served 7 months in Juvie Once he turned 18 his slate was clean and he was let out, when we saw that reminder pop up on our phones, I was terrified. I still hadn't told Steven about Sheldon's threat, how he would come for us once he got out. That's why I was worried, we saw what he could do, we see what the can do. He's smart, really smart, and he knows us well. He knows that w are scared and that we are ready for him.

Steven tried his best to protect me but he got hurt so many times, I never did though. It seemed like Steven was his main target, I almost lost him.. again. Like that night in the hospital. Fear, anger, rage, all of these things were built up inside me because of what had happened. Sheldon drove us crazy and the worst part, he couldn't have done it at a worse time. Steven lost someone that he had loved with all his heart. And that is when Sheldon made his first move, he must of seen it on the news or something 'cause he knew somehow. 

Steven is hurting and he has been through enough, this has to end, Sheldon has to stop, before it's too late. But who knows, maybe it already is...

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