Protecting those you love.. but at what cost

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The Next Day

"BABE! I'M HOME!" Mina yelled, walking in the door "BABE?" She yelled again. Mina walked upstairs and went their room and saw Steven on the phone, and he seemed worried. "No, thank you" Steven said hanging up, "Who was that?" Mina asked, leaning on the door frame "That was the deputy" Steven replied, putting his phone on the bed "Adams?" Mina questioned "That would be the one" Steven said, looking down "Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?" Mina asked "Just what he said, it's not great" Steven replied "Well, what did he say?" Mina asked "He said that since he wasn't there at the scene where I ended in a coma, he can't do anything" Steven explained "THAT'S BULL" Mina yelled "I know, I told him that" Steven replied, looking up at her. Mina looked angry, scared, furious and a ton of other emotions, Mina turned away ans Steven got up and walked to her. "Babe, hey" Steven said grabbing her arm, Mina turned around and she looked terrified "What do we do now then, if he won't do anything what's stopping him from-" Mina paused "Form killing us" She let out "Hey, hey no" Steven said softly, while he hugged her "Don't say that" Steven said softly. Steven hugged MIna tighter and sat her down on the bed and talked to her about what the deputy had said. "So that's the plan" Steven finished "That's so stupid" Mina fought "I know baby, I know" Steven said, grabbing Mina's hand. Steven sat with Mina and talked about what they could do about Sheldon even though they couldn't do much.

6 hours later

Mina woke up to Steven yelling downstairs so she got up and ran downstairs, she saw Steven on the phone and he was pissed

Over Phone:

Steven & Deputy Adams

Steven: Just because you didn't see it happen didn't me it didn't happen!

Adams: That's not my problem Steven


Adams: No, that's the chief's job

Steven: I shouldn't have to be sent on this GOD DAM MARY GO ROUND JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING!

Adams: As I said, if I don't see it. I can't believe it

Steven: *Hangs up*

"DAM IT!" Steven yelled "Babe?' Mina said softly, Steven spun around and saw Mina standing on the stairs "How much of that did you hear?" Steven asked "Not much, what was that about?" Mina asked "I mean, I know you wee talking to-" "Then you should know what it was about" Steven said, turning away "Steven." Mina said, stepping off the last step on the stairs. Mina walked over and hugged Steven from behind so he felt comforted. Steven turned around and faced Mina and he had rage in his eyes, a type of rage Mina's never seen on him. "What's that look?" Mina questioned "Steven calm down" Mina demanded "HOW CAN I?" Steven yelled "THE DEPUTY CAN"T DO ANYTHING AND THAT PUTS YOU IN DANGER" He exclaimed "Hey, hey" Mina put her hands on his cheeks, so he would look at her "I'm not the one you should be worried about" Mina pointed out softly "You should be worrying about yourself, he already hurt you once. He'll do it again, and you can't keep fussing over me because that's just gonna make it easier for him to get to you" Mina explained "I don't care if I get hurt, I only care about you" Steven argued "You have to care somewhat about your safety, if you don't then.. You could get killed trying to protect me" Mina fought "That's a risk I'm willing to take" Steven said softly "I'm willing to die, to keep you safe. You know that" Steven added "But, that's what I worried about" Mina noted "Mina, I made a promise to you. What was that promise?" Steven questioned "Steven, I-" "What was the promise?" Steven repeated cutting Mina off "You promised to protect me no matter what, and to never leave me" Mina replied "And that's exactly what I am going to do" Steven said, Steven kissed Mina softly and once he broke it he whispered something to her: 

"I will always protect you Baby, Always"

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