Hurting is harder than loss

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Over Phone:

Steven & Hospital

Steven: No, I understand

Receptionist: We are still running tests so, when the results come back we will let you know

Steven: O-okay, and thanks you again for calling

Receptionist: Of course

Steven: *Hangs up*

"Who was that?" Mina asked "That uh- That was the hospital" Steven replied "What? Why?" Mina worried as she unpacked some stuff "It's um-" Steven paused, looking down sadly. Mina walked over to him and comforted him "Tell me, but take your time" Mina whispered "It's my- My mom" Steven said breaking "Oh, Steven" Mina said hugging him tighter "Hey, look at me" Mina said letting go. Steven let go but he wouldn't look at Mina, Steven lifted his chin to make him look at her, "What happened?" Mina asked softly "Um, a lot actually. S-she's sick but we still don't know with what. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday and I didn't know" Steven explained walking away, "Chris took her there and he never told me what happened til last night" Steven continued "Okay, have they figured it out yet?" Mina asked "No, the results haven't come back yet. And I'm terrified" Steven said shakily. Mina walked over and hugged Steven and re-assured him that everything was gonna be okay, Steven knew that Mina was just trying to help but it wasn't that simple. He knew there was a chance that this is really serious.

"I-I mean, she should be okay. But what if she's not. Oh who am I kidding, Chris didn't tell me for a reason, it's probably bad"  Steven thought "STEVEN!" Mina yelled "What?" Steven jumped "I've been calling you, what's wrong. Well, I know what's wrong but what are you think about" Mina supported "Nothing much, I'm just kinda waiting for that phone call" Steven lied "Steven." Mina said sternly "What?" He replied "Stop lying. Remember, No secrets" Mina argued "Yeah, I know. I was just thinking that- Chris didn't call me for a reason. Whenever its something big, he hates being the one that has to tell me" Steven explained "Steven, you're getting way to into this" Mina stated "I know" Steven replied "And it's stupid" Mina said rudely "What?" Steven questioned looking at Mina "You're being stupid. Stop worrying, stop acting like you care, stop trying to be the good guy. All you are, is a fraud and a liar" Mina stated "Mina, stop it!" Steven argued "Why should I, it's true. You're a liar, Steven. A LIAR" Mina yelled "STOP!"

Steven woke up with jolt and it made Mina jump, and Steven was in a panic. "Hey, hey. Steven. Hey" Mina said trying to calm him down "Hey, hey, shh. Steven, shh" Mina said hugging him. Steven calmed down a bit but he was questionable of Mina. "Mina?" He said softly "What, baby" Mina replied "Do you think I'm stupid for worrying about my mom?" Steven asked "What? No!" Mina replied "Why?" Mina asked, Steven looked away but before he could say it Mina already knew. "That's what it was about, wasn't it?" Mina asked "Y-yeah" Steven replied hesitatnly "You said that I was getting to into this and that it was stupid, and that I was a fraud and a liar" Steven explained "Steven I would never say that, let alone think that. Steven, you're hurting. You're not- You're allowed to hurt, you're not weak or stupid for hurting. Something is happening to you that is personal and it hurts. That's normal" Mina explained "Then why do I feel like, what you said was right?" Steven asked worryingly "First off, I never said that. That bitch in your head did" Mina said laughing a bit "Yeah" Steven replied with a chuckle " And second" Mina said before kissing him lightly "I would never think, say or feel that way. Okay?" Mina reassured 

All day that day Steven kept checking his phone to see anything, a text, a missed call, anything. But there was nothing so far. Mina was worried for him and she knew that she had to get his mind off of it but how? How was she gonna help? She knew that certain things would make it worse and only some things would make it better, so what could she do. She could help him, but in the process make him hurt more. There has to be something..

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