I'm okay.. at least I was

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Mina was worried about Steven and Steven wouldn't speak or eat all day. He couldn't think straight, he was too worried about his mom. Mina constantly tried to get Steven's mind off things, but everything seemed to make it worse, "Hey Steven, do you wanna watch a movie?" Mina asked "FOR THE LAST TIME, STOP ASKING ME TO DO STUFF!" Steven yelled "Steven" Mina said softly. Steven was in the other room while Mina was in the kitchen. Steven hadn't slept in days, but Mina knew that whatever he said he didn't mean. Mina walked out to the room where Steven was, "Hey" Mina said softly, walking in front of him "Mina, stop" Steven refused turning away "No, hey. Stop it" Mina argued stopping him from turning around "Steven, look at me. Hey" Mina paused lifting Steven's chin so he would look at her "Stop pushing me away, I wanna help. I need to help you because you are upset and I wanna get your mind off it" Mina explained "Well, I don't need your help" Steven said rudely. Steven walked away and Mina had enough of this:
 "Look, I get that you are going through a hard time but that DOES NOT mean you get to push me away or shut me out. You can't take all of your feelings out on me or yourself. I get that you wanna deal with this by yourself but it's not fair for you do be acting like this-" Mina yelled "Mina stop-" "And YOU CANNOT EXPECT ME TO SIT AROUND AND LISTEN TO YOU ARGUE OR BEAT YOURSELF UP BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO! AND FOR YOU TO TRY AND SHUT ME OUT LIKE YOU DID WHEN WE LOST SHELDON ISN'T FAIR" Mina continued "YOU THINK THIS IS EASY. YOU THINK NOT KNOWING IF MY MOM IS DYING OR IF SHE IS SICK IS EASY. YOU THINK I'M SHUTTING YOU OUT BECAUSE I WANT TO, I AM SHUTTING EVERYONE OUT BECAUSE I NEED TO. I CAN'T HAVE ONE BAD DAY WITHOUT SOMEONE GETTING PISSED AT ME AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE" Steven argued "No, I don't. I don't THINK this is easy, I don't know what you're going through but what I do know is that acting like this sin't going to help. To actually feel better about a situation you need to talk to people to confide in those around you for help instead of blocking them out. And you acting like this, and acting like you have some sort of control over your situation.. It just makes me wonder how "this" happened. How "we" Happened" Mina argued walking away. Steven stood there and Mina went upstairs.

Mina went to their room and shut the door and she stood there for a second before she slide down the door and sat on the floor crying. Steven grabbed his coat and he put this boots on and he left for a bit. When Mina stood up from the floor she walked to her window and saw Steven on his Motorcycle. He was leaving, once he pulled out of the driveway and was far enough away from the house Mina went back downstairs, but what she saw broke her. She saw Steven's ring, his promise ring and his phone. Mina had no was to contact him, no way to find out where he was going. Mina knew that by saying what she said, that is what drove him to leave. She didn't know how long he was going to be gone for but she hoped he wasn't doing something crazy. 

About an hour later, someone knocked on the door and she bolted down the stairs. She nearly fell but when she opened the door who she saw surprised her. She saw Chris and he looked heart broken, "Hi, Mina" he said as Mina opened the door "Hey" She replied "Is Steven home?" Chris asked "No, why?" Mina asked "Good, cause we need to talk" 

To be continued... 

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