The Trial Run

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"Babe, wake up" Steven whispered "Mm, no" Mina whined "Mina, get up" Steven said pulling the covers off her "Okay, okay. I'm up" Mina complained "What?" Mina groaned "The news" Steven stated "What about it?" Mina yawned "There telling us what is gonna happen to Sheldon" Steven said "What?" Mina asked "Just, come on" Steven said pulling Mina. Steven pulled Mina lightly, out of bed and pulled her all the way downstairs to the couch. "Steven, let go" Mina whined "Here, sit" Steven instructed "Yeah, thanks. Not like I live here" Mina sassed "Just shush" Steven said playing the TV. "There have been questions ans theories about Gough's case spreading wide across Virginia. Critics are saying Gough was charged by courts but his sentence was never confirmed. Today, Gough's trial has been run but the results have yet to be concluded. The press are hoping to have these results by noon, for now it's a waiting game" The News reporter explained. Steven and Mina took in what was just explained and they were shocked, Sheldon actually got sentenced. This could be over, finally. "What do you think the results will be?" Mina asked "I don't know, he has done so many things. It's impossible to tell" Steven replied. 

Mina and Steven were waiting and waiting for the results, they wouldn't put their phones down and they had the news running all day. They needed to know the results, and they got them. Sheldon was charged for many acts including: Breaking and Entering and even Assault in the first degree. He was going away for a long time, let's just say. Long enough for Steven and Mina to get a fresh start. "Does this mean?" Mina asked "It's over" She finished "It seems like it" Steven chuckled "Oh my god.." Mina gasped "It's finally over" Steven said softly. Mina sat there for a second just to take it before she hugged Steven, she was happy. They both were, they had been through so much crap and struggle these past years but it was finally over. The torment was over, the fear was over. It was all over. 

Over Phone:

Mina and Samantha:

Sam: Did you get the results of his trial?

Mina: Yeah we did!

Sam: And?

Mina: We're not gonna see his face anytime soon!

Sam: It worked, the trial..

Mina: Everything is over. The stress, fear, torment, struggle. It's all over

Sam: I am so happy for you guys right now, you have no idea!

Mina: Why?

Sam: Because you fought it and fought and never gave up on it. 

Mina: Mom. 

Sam: What it's true

Mina: Oh! Steven's home, I gotta go

Sam: Okay, but don't have too much fun'

Mina: MOM!

Sam: I'm kidding

Mina: Whatever, bye

Sam: Bye hon

Mina: *Hangs up*

"Who was that?" Steven asked "My mom, I just told her and her answer was: I'm so proud because you fought it and never gave up" Mina imitated "Well, that's your mom" Steven stated "Yeah" Mina scoffed "Need any help?" Mina asked "Uh, sure. Can you put the fruit away?" Steven asked "Sure" Mina replied. Steven had just gotten back from the store since they were literally out of everything. They put it all away and went to the living room, "Hey" Mina whispered "What?" Steven whispered back "I love you" Mina laughed "I know, I love me too" Steven joked "Babe!" Mina yelled "I'm kidding. I love YOU too" Steven corrected "That's better" Mina said laying down. Mina lied on Steven's chest and Steven played with Mina's hair. "Hey babe?" Mina said "What?" Steven replied "Thank you" Mina said softly "For what?" Steven asked "For being there, and for protecting me" Mina said looking up at him "Hey, I told you I would and I did" Steven said "Yeah, yeah" Mina said putting her head back down. "I just wanted to say it anyway"

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