My Tutor?

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The bell rang once again for you to wonder into your next class, AP Trig. Now don't get yourself wrong, you thought it was going to be a breeze since you had been so good at all your other math classes, but this one was different, it was extremely hard.
It hasn't even been 2 months into the school year and you are already stressing over grades of the test and quizzes.

There is one guy in your class, however, you seems to be actually quit bored in the class. He understands everything the teacher is saying and passes every test. His name is Trevor. Not many people talk to him, which you don't understand why. He really a cutie actually. This was your first class ever with him, so you never had the chance to talk to him before, but now you needed to talk to him.

You sat down next to his seat and smiled towards him. He weakly smiled but then looked back down at his desk. "Trevor right?" You asked. He looked up and smiled a bit more brightly this time. His blond hair perfectly sat up in a quiff and his large glasses rested on his nose.
"Y/N. Right, what do you need?" He responded. His voice had a strong Australian accent which fazed you because he never said anything about being from Australia. "Um, would it be possible that you and I could get together soon and you could help me study for next weeks test?" He looked a bit shocked but laughed a little. "Yeah, I mean sure. I guess. Where and when?"
"Your house on Friday?"
"What? A girl like you doesn't have a party to go to on a Friday night?" You laughed at his remark. "I'm not the parting type." He smiled and pushed his glasses up. "Okay. Yeah. Seven is fine." And before you could say anything else, the teacher walked into the room and started the lesson.

Soon, Friday night rolled around and you drove to Trevor's house. He quickly answered the door when you knocked and led you into the kitchen. Hours went by and you became more and more frustrated while he tried to teach you the simple math. Finally you stopped. "I can't! I can't do it anymore!" You shouted, walking away from the table and plopping onto his couch. Trevor quietly got up and sat next to you. He grabbed your hand in his, but neither of you flinched at his action.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. We can work through this." He reassured you sweetly. You smiled and looked at him. Without thinking, you rested your head on his shoulder. "Thanks, but I'm thinking about dropping the class."

"No! Don't do that. You are the only person who has ever really taken an interest in me. Please, I will help you work through this. Every day when you can, after school we can get together and work on the homework." You smiled and looked up at him. "Thank you."

Trevor Moran ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now