Real Or Fake?

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Well this was faster than expected.

Next chapter is a long one, and I mean it. It will most likely take more then 3 days, not like this one that I did in 3 hours XD.

Y/N moved to the side, her eyes widening when she heard a familiar whoosh of an arrow flying at the place her head was once at. 'Close one there Y/N', she thought.

It was currently night with the moon high in the sky, and mobs were swarming Y/N. She had managed to dodge and weave her way through them, emerging out of the forest and into a plains. The temperature instantly changed to a slightly more humid one. Something that was not good if she was to be panting and sweating. Stopping for a quick second Y/N caught her breath. Her chest rose up and down choppily, her lungs burning and stomach hurting. Y/N glanced up and noticed that her hunger bar only had 4 mini corn dogs left, patting her right thigh and taking out the few cooked pork chops she had left.

Instantly feeling rejuvenated after Y/N continued to go straight, slowing down a bit this time to conserve hunger.

Reaching a river with a dark oak forest across it Y/N realized that she might be going away then towards her home. About to leave she was stopped.

"Hey!" A male voice called.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat.

Her eyes snapped to the owner of the voice, noticing three figures accompanying them.

'What? That doesn't sound like Dream or Tommy or Sapnap. Could more people be in this dream? Couldthe robots' Y/N gravely thought as her mind took a turn for the worst. She hesitantly took a step back as they advanced, not noticing the river that was behind her.

"Be careful behind you!" A more lighter voice called, still male.

Y/N looked behind her to see that her foot was right on the edge of the bank. One more inch and she would've fallen in and token a brutal hit to the head.

Feeling a bit more comfortable knowing that they weren't out to kill her Y/N looked in front and noticed that the three males were closer, close enough for her to see their features.

The one in the middle was the tallest, wearing a beanie on his head and his brown, fluffy hair sticking out from the front. The person to his right was the shortest, having brown hair as well. The person to the left was a bit taller then the person to the right, but not as tall as the one in the middle. He had dark brown hair.

"Hello. I'm Wilbur, these are my friends Tubbo and George", he said, sticking out his hand for a hand shake after he gestured to his friends, who waved towards her. Y/N clasped his hand and accepted.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." She said with a smile. Wilbur returned it.

The trio had led Y/N to a house they had built. It was at the base of a cliff, the majority of the house inside it. Surrounding it was a mix of dark oak and oak trees, all providing a beautiful view even in the nighttime. The house was mainly made of oak but bits of dark oak was seen. Inviting her in Y/N forgot how to breath as she observed the interior. It seemed as if there was only one room, but it was spacious with a high ceiling. Steps lead down to the main floor as the floor Y/N was on after entering contained chests to the side. Lanterns hanged from the ceiling and was placed on the fences that blocked the upper floor from the one below. Each lantern gave a light orangish-yellow glow, making the room beautiful and homey. On the lower floor there was 3 beds in the upper corner and a fireplace in the upper middle. A seating arrangement was in the middle and a board was on the right wall, it had papers pinned on it.

"This is beautiful!" Y/N said.

"Thanks, it was a team effort." Wilbur said, putting his hand on the back of his neck. Tubbo went down the steps and smiled at Y/N, motioning her to follow him as he showed her around.

After the mini tour everyone sat down in the little seating area on the lower floor. George got bread for everyone, Y/N muttered a small thank you as he came and gave her a piece.

"So, do you know anything about whats happening around us?" Wilbur asked.

Y/N almost choked on her bread. 'He's aware! About whats happening, no one in a dream who is made into it would do that, they wouldn't even question their own existance! That confirms it. These are real life people, in front of me, and before', She thought.

"I have some theories." Y/N said, overjoyed yet nervous that someone other than people created by her mind was in front of her, in a dream.

"Can you tell us?" Tubbo asked, leaning in ever so slightly, his eyes wide with interest.

"I can try..." Y/N said, lightly digging her nails into her palms. Everyone awaited for her to talk. Y/N sighed.

"I have something called lucid dreaming." She started. Noticing the confused look on Tubbo's face she explained further. "It's where I can control my dreams."

"That's cool!" Tubbo said.

"I guess at first glance, but the dreams are intense, really intense, and the nightmares are just..." Y/N looked down, not knowing what to say after. Wilbur shot her a face of sympathy. Looking back up she continued.

"I believe this is one of my dreams. Usually in them there's a purpose I have to fulfill to wake up. For example in one of my dreams I had to solve a riddle, and one of my dreams I had to die. I usually find out in the middle of the dream, like a game. Sometimes there are some dreams that I just have to wait out." Y/N stopped to let them process the new information.

"This one is different though I just found out. You guys are real people, in my dream. Or vise versa but I doubt it. She said. Y/N decided not to tell them about the beginning of her dream, where it said 'DIE HERE AND DIE IN YOUR BED'

Wilbur only hummed in response, thinking deeply about what you said, and what situation they were exactly in; subconsciously moving his hand into his pocket and grazing his fingers on a glowing, red piece of metal.

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