Heartbreak [Prt 2]

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Y/N woke up.

She was in a clearing of a Spruce Forest with the others. She woke up with her head rested on a rock and body lay out in a perfectly straight line. It was currently day time and the sun was up high in the sky. It was nice to see light, see surroundings, and people.

But the atmosphere was tense, gloomy, depressed. It made Y/N start to speculate that something bad happened. She also realized that Eli wasn't next to her, or anywhere at all for a fact. It made her feel empty, alone, Y/N longed for her dog's presence, she longed to see his comforting brown eyes assure her that everything would be alright, she longed for the soft tuffs of fur that would run through her fingers as she ran her hand through his spine and scratch his head.

Where was Eli?

"Thanks for saving me back there." Y/N said, breaking the silence. Dream turned his head towards her, his figure leaned on a spruce tree and his arms crossed. Dream only stared at her through his white polyester mask, slightly nodding a second later before putting his gaze back on the dark green grass.

'Nice greeting,' Y/N thought to herself in her head.

"Where's Eli?" Y/N asked.

Everybody visibly flinched at her question. Tommy looked at the ground, his jaw clenched. Nikki didn't dare meet her gaze. Tubbo started to draw circles with his finger on his arm. Everyone was acting up weird.

It made Y/N doubt. But she instantly buried down all negative thoughts. Y/N had learned over time that sometimes, not thinking is the way to go.

"Y/N." Wilbur started. His tone was grave and his voice slightly quivered.

"He's dead."


'W-What? Did I hear that incorrectly?' Y/N thought as she looked up at Wilbur, silently wanting him to repeat the vicious words that came out of his mouth. As if reading Y/N's mind he repeated.

"He's dead Y/N. Eli's dead."


'Eli. Is. Dead?'

Y/N's mind completely spaced out. Her heart vanished. She felt like she was thrown down into a never ending pit, yet she felt nothing.

"Eli.." Y/N whispered, a prayer, a plea. She looked at the grass beside her, wanting Eli to be there, right next to her like he always was. She wanted this to be a prank, she wanted Eli back. Y/N didn't care if she was selfish, or childish, or even stupid. She wanted Eli back. She didn't care if this was a dream anymore, she didn't care if she got withered again. She wanted Eli back.

Y/N took a deep and shaky breath, closing her eyes and configuring what to do, how to handle this.

"Excuse me." Y/N said, able to contain the heartbreak from reaching her voice as she got up, fast walking away as she turned her back towards the group, silent tears slipping out of her eyes.

Y/N didn't allow herself to think until she was a good distance away from the group. She put her back on a spruce tree, letting herself slowly sink down she pulled her knees in as tight as possible and buried her head on top of them, encasing her arms around her like a protective barrier.

A single tear containing all her emotions escaped from the corner of her eye, slowly sliding down her face and reaching the tip of her chin. Y/N didn't stop it as tears came more and more harshly after the first. Instead she studied the feeling of the droplet of water and salt ever so slightly drizzle down her face shape. Starting from her eye, onto her cheek, to her jawline, and finally her chin where it dripped off when more were to come, not making a sound as it evaporated only a few minutes later. The tears felt warm, surprisingly. The streak of liquid they left would make her cheek turn cold whenever wind blew in her face.

She's been through this. She's had worse. That's what Y/N told herself over and over.

'That's the sad thing, y'know. This is going to scar me. Every time I see a dog like him, I'll remember.' Y/N bitterly laughed as she felt the overwhelming chest stabbing sadness spread over her like a drop of black ink on a white tissue paper.

Y/N didn't know how long she sat there, nor did she force herself to get up. She didn't think about what she would say to the group, she didn't worry about what was to happen in the future.

She just sat.

Back with the group, the atmosphere was not as depressed as before, but still gloomy.

"He's really gone, isn't he?" Tommy asked in a hushed whisper, his hair never leaving it's over hanged state so no one could see the emotion held in his eyes.

"Yeah." George said, in a even more quieter voice if possible. He started at the ground, observing the dark green grass blades that would move whenever struck with wind. He bit the inside of his cheek.


Tubbo spoke up, his voice slightly cracked as he stared at his own hand. "One wrong move, and we're dead. Is this the real deal? W-Would we actually die?"

Wilbur lifted up his head to stare at Tubbo's silhouette.

He never really thought about dying, all he had thought was advancing, following Y/N's orders, observing the environment. But realizing what Tubbo had said, it hit him. They could actually die here. It wasn't a game anymore, nor was it an adventure.

It was a fight for survival. It was a fight against the unknown.

And Wilbur realized, with the odds against them;

they just might not make it out.

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