The Final Step [Prt 2]

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Tiny reminder that pictures that are not minecraft related are meant for reference. This is the marble key!

With Tommy and Tubbo...

"Tubbo!" Tommy shouted in worry as his friend dropped from the height of a tall tree. Tommy took a minute to cut all the strings that held Tubbo in a painfully stretching manner. There were just so many.

"I-I'm alright." Said Tubbo, landing on his bottom as the pain made his voice shake, holding back oncoming tears of the sudden pain.

Tommy held out his hand for Tubbo to grab, the brunette smiled through the pain, greatful for the gesture as he clasped Tommy's hand, lifting himself up.

"When do you think the robots are gonna come around?" Tommy asked, his guard up, but his mind calm. Observing the scenic views around him.

The sun was still on the horizon, which surprised Tommy, he would've expected it to be set by now.

'Maybe it's some weird type of messed up magic for a messed up world.' Tommy thought.

"I don't know, but I think we should wait here until they come." Tubbo said, snapping Tommy out of his thoughts.

Tommy made a noise of agreement, his mind somewhere else as he sat down on a nearby big rock.

With Wilbur and Y/N...

"Be on high alert." Y/N said, feeling as if she was telling herself that more than Wilbur.

The two had taken cover behind a fallen tree, the oak log being big enough to hide their bodies.

It seemed like everything was going according to plan, robots scurried across the base where a crowd was gathered, and a group of armed robots were heading straight to where Tubbo and Tommy were.

It slightly worried Y/N, but she shook off the doubting thoughts as she told herself to have faith in her friends.

They weren't just some pushovers, they were on the same level as her, and above.

Wilbur saw an opening to the far right of the base, no robots were there, and with just enough speed they could use the trees to swiftly go to the entrance. Y/N had offered the idea about breaking in, but Wilbur turned down the idea. It would be to slow and who knows what could be on the other side of the wall.

"Y/N! Over there an opening! We need to move fast!" Wilbur said in a rush, getting up into a squat from his knees as his tall figure was still overshadowed by the fallen tree.

"Alright, lead the way, I'll be right behind you." Y/N said quietly, getting up slowly as well, bending her knees for maximum maneuver.

Wilbur nodded, looking around one last time before silently jumping over the log, getting as low as possible while still retaining maximum speed. He slithered past the robots gaze, his footsteps making no sound. Y/N copied, being right behind him the entire time.

Approaching the entrance of the black stone base Wilbur held his breath, not jinxing their good luck so far he expected something bad to happen, his hand always hovering over his right thigh just in case.

The blue lanterns shown upon the green grass, turning it into a more mystical color as the duo used the shade provided underneath the lanterns to make an easy and safe path to infiltrate the base.

Reaching the entrance Wilbur put his back against the wall, making himself as small as possible as he sucked in his stomach, sliding against the black stone as he smoothly entered the building, no robots in sight. Y/N was right behind him, but since she was so close to him, she stepped on his foot by accident with hers, and hard.

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