Is this real?

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Am I dreaming?

Y/N felt nothing.

'Wait if this is a dream then why c-'


Y/N shot up into a sitting position. Her eyes wide open.

A white room surrounded her, seemingly endless.

The only thing that was present other than her was a podium, it had a book on it.

Y/N sat in thought, thinking whether she should check it or not.

'It could be a trap Y/N. But this is a dream right? I mean I can try to get out....but that would probably get me killed. Nah it's better to play it out right? Yeah. Yeah. Now go before you change your mind idiot!'

Making her decision, Y/N got up from her spot and walked toward the podium. Getting a closer look at the book she saw that it had a hard metal cover. The big, orange words 'MINECRAFT ' was inscribed on it. 

Now even more intrigued, Y/N tried to open the book.

Key word tried.

After many attempts Y/N slumped on the floor in defeat.

Her stare bore through the podium as frustration started to build up in her.

 Am I supposed to just sit here? Whats the point of there being a dang book when I can't open the  DANG BOOK!?

Getting up in frustration Y/N kicked the podium with all her might.


The metal book suddenly opened as a green light emitted from it, the once white room turning pitch black. The pages rapidly turned, to fast for Y/N to read, but slow enough for her to make out the words, "DIE IN HERE DIE IN YOUR BED"


The floor opened beneath Y/N, letting out a scream as she fell into the abyss.


Y/N awoke screaming. Flailing her limbs about as she sat upright.

'What the CRAP was that?! 

Y/N panted as she thought, sweat dripping down her forehead.

'This is a dream right? Is this where I am? Wait where am I?  What is th- BOOK! THE BOOK! It could have information Y/N! Quick what do you remember?! Oh yeah it said M-'


Y/N was ripped out of her thoughts as her gaze snapped backwards towards the sound, fear coursed through her as her pulse picked up.


Letting out a sigh of relief  Y/N took in her surroundings, she noticed that she was in a forest. Lush green trees with oak wood over hanged one another as little sunlight seeped through the holes. The ground was grassy with leaves and sticks scattered around.  

But something wasn't right...

'Wait what was I thinking earlier? Ugh please don't tell me I forgot. Oh no I forgot. Great. 

Just Great.'

Getting up to investigate more in hope of triggering her memory Y/N decided to look around. Eventually making her way to a creek she sat down and cupped her hands, drinking water from the fresh source.

Then Y/N noticed something different about the water. She could see right through it, that wasn't the weird part. The weird part is that the sand on the creek bank looked chuncky.

In her dazed mind some water fell out of Y/N's hands and onto her pants, specifically her right leg.

"Aw crap."

Y/N stood up and attempted to dry her pants by patting it with the back of her hand.

A white screen appeared right in front of her. Letting out a surprised squeak Y/N jumped as she looked in front of her.

 The big white screen hovered directly in front of her eyesight, curving slightly to suit her peripheral vision.

There was a total of 41 slots, 4 rows and 9 columns and 5 individual slots at the very top.  At the top left corner there was a mini doll of her, copying the same movements Y/N does. 

'An inventory?'  She thought as she investigated further.  Y/N's inventory was empty, all except for one object. It was a piece of light yellow - almost white paper. Being the curious person she is Y/N pressed her finger over it, the little box it was in turning grey.

"Put in slot to right of character." It read.

Doing as the paper said Y/N dragged the yellow - whiteish paper to the bottom slot right to her mini doll.

Instantly logged out of her inventory Y/N immediately noticed that there were 10 red beating hearts located at the top right of her vision and 10 things that looked like mini corn dogs  underneath. 

Her vision was more sharper, looking at the creek once more she saw, outlines?

Then it hit her like a truck

She was in Mine craft.


Hey guys! So here's the first chapter! All I can say is that I tried. Feel free to point out any errors you see, I'm really trying to get better at writing! Now with the intro out of the way we can get into the fun stuff >:)

Y'all have a good day/night!! :D

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