Chapter 3

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Bumblebee woke up back in his cell but he didn't remember how he got there or who he was for that matter.

Then Soundwave and Shadowstriker came and got him out both pleased that the reprogramming had been a susess. They took him to Megatron.

"How are you feeling?" Megatron asked the yellow mech.

"Ok I guess I can't remember anything." Bumblebee said feeling confused not knowing who any of the bot around him were or who he was.

"It's to be expected you were held prisoner by our enemies the Autobots they wiped your memory banks." Megatron lied.

"But don't worry my friend we'll help you get your memory back and stop them once and for all." He added. "Soundwave get our friend some energon."

Soundwave obeyed and came back with a purple cube that he handed Bumblebee.

Bumblebee who was currently low on fuel accept it and thanked him then consumed it not remember what this kind of energon was or realizing what a mistake this was.

Meanwhile Starscream and Cloud Dagger were having their energon and getting to know each other when Starscream suddenly regained his memories.

"What's wrong?" Cloud Dagger asked him seeing that the other seeker had been upset by something.

Then Starscream explained everything that had happened to him that he had just remembered from Megatron killing him to him siding with the Quintessents and Megatron thinking he destroyed him but his body had actually been intact and he had just lost his memory then somehow managed by dumb luck to find his way to that cave.

"I did horrible things." Starscream said almost in coolant tears. "I killed the rest of the seeker and helped the Quintessents."

"But it sounds like you regret what you did and that you weren't in your right mind at the time." Cloud Dagger told him.

"But I killed my friends and betray my kind." Starscream said to her. "Part of me knew I didn't feel right since I came back after Megatron killed me."

"So it was Megatron's fault he's the one who abuse you then beat you to death no wonder you came back crazy." Cloud Dagger tried to reassure him finding herself feeling more and more sorry for him.

"It doesn't matter why I did those thing or what state my processor was in." Starscream reply sadly. "I still did all that and can never take any of it back no matter how badly I want too." "I think it was having the Matrix used on me that put me back in my right mind it should have killed me."

Then Cloud Dagger went over and slapped him across the faceplates. "I don't ever want to her those words out of your mouth again." She told him then hugged him.

"Sure you may not have been the nicest bot in the factory but you saved me didn't you?" She added looking him in the optics. "And you and I are gonna make it right by taking down Megatron together."

"No he's to strong you can't face him!" Starscream said now worried about her not wanting any harm to come to her or for Megatron to be anywhere near her.

"Not alone that's why I need you to help me." She said to him because she was determined to make the warlord pay for everything he did to Starscream.

"OK." He agreed wanting to make sure Megatron didn't hurt her but also knowing he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it. She actually reminded him of him self in a way.

But they decide it was to late to do anything right now so the two seekers finished their energon then decided to recharge for the night.

Meanwhile at the Autobot base everyone was in recharge after a day of looking for Bumblebee.

They had decided to call it a night knowing they all needed to recharge in order to be able to look for him the next day because none of them were going to give up till they found him.

Windblade couldn't rest though because she was too worried about Bee so she got up for some energon and ran into Knock Out who was also having trouble recharging because he kept having nightmares about the Decepticons capturing him and forcing him to rejoin them.

"Don't worry that won't happen none of the Autobot will let it your family now." She told him.

"Thanks being a Decepticon was the worst time of my life." Knock Out said to her. "It a path I never want to walk down again."

"Your one of us now and we'll make sure you never have too." She promised him.

"Ooh Windblade and Knock Out sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G first cames.."

"Clobber!" Windblade cut the female cyclops off. If Windblade and Knock Out were human they would have both been blushing.

"What are you even doing up at this hour?" Knock Out asked her.

"I just noticed that you two were up and wanted to welcome Knock Out to the team as one former Decepticon to another." She explained.

"Thanks that's really nice of you." He told her as they shook hands.

Then they all three went to their rooms to try to get some recharge.

And Knock Out went into sleep mode with a smile on his faceplates glad to be part of such a nice team that actually cared about him. As a Decepticon his brother Breakdown had been his only friend and it felt a bit bitter sweet that Breakdown had been killed before he had a chance to join the Autobots with him.

Knock Out knew that his brother would have also been accepted and would have gotten along well with the Autobots.

"Well I'll just have to be an Autobot and help them out and make this second chance work for the both of us." Knock Out told himself before going into recharge.

The next morning Bumblebee walked through a ground bridge to another part of cybertron the Dark Energon the Decepticons had been giving him to fuel with had made him ruthless and angry.

As they had planned and Megatron had sent him on his first mission as a Decepticon. Bumblebee walked towards the mouth of a cave with an unresistable urge to pound something to scrap.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. It was heard to come up with. I'll try to update everything soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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