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Later everyone was outside the medbay while Ratchet and Knock Out who was now off bed both worked on Starscream who had received massive damage during his battle with Megatron.

Then Ratchet came out and reported that it had been touch and go for awhile but Starscream was going to survive and would make a full recovery after some rest.

Then everyone went back to see him. And congratulated him on defeating Megatron and saving the day.

"After everything he did to me I'm glad he won't hurt anyone else." Said Starscream. "But I wish it could have ended differently I mean I know I tried to kill him in the past but I was really hoping he'd come around and we could make up and that he could become one of us."

"There was no changing him and he brought his fate on himself." Said Bumblebee. "If you hadn't stopped him when you did he would have killed me or Optimus."

"Starscream you showed great courage and I am proud of you." Optimus told him understanding how the seeker felt wishing that Megatron could have changed but knew that there had been no other choice but to put him down.

And the rest of the Decepticons had surrender and were going to face justice. Cybertron was now at peace.

And Bumblebee apologized to everyone about what he had done while under the effects of the dark energon and after having his memories whipped. Even though he hadn't been himself he still felt responsible.

Then everyone assured him that none of them blamed him for anything and we're all glad to have him back and that he was OK.

And they also thanked Knock Out and Teletraan-X for hacking the Decepticons's defence system and helping them out.

Then they all left so Starscream could get some rest. Except for Cloud Dagger who wouldn't leave his side after having thought she'd lost him.

"I love you too." She said having heard him when he told her he loved her when she was in the medbay after Megatron had shot her down.

Then the two kissed.

A few days later Bumblebee, Hot Rod and Knock Out were going to have a race. And Windblade, Starscream and Cloud Dagger were watching them.

But right as the three of them crossed the finish line a small rust storm started up it wasn't dangerous just annoying because it made it impossible to see and Bumblebee, Hot Rod and Knock Out were all three neck and neck so no one saw who won.

"All I saw was red and yellow." Said Starscream.

"So I guess it's a three way tie." Bumblebee said deciding this was the best way to settle it.

"Works for me." Hot Rod replied.

"Yeah we're all winners." Knock Out agreed.

But secretly each one of them was sure they'd won the race.

Then they all went back to base glad Cybertron was at peace and that they were all safe and happy and part of a team that was more like a family and cared about them. And they would all do their part to make sure they protected and looked out for each other.

The End.

Hope the epilogue turned out OK. And that you all enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. And I'd like to thank CreativeDreamJewel  for giving me the idea for this great story. And I try to get started on my next story soon.

Thanks for reading.

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