Chapter 1

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It was just another day for Bumblebee and his friends they were all having fun just hanging out.

He and Hot Rod were having a race. While Windblade was talking with her friend Cromia.

"I'm winning." Chimed Bumblebee who was having fun.

"Not for long." Hot Rod said playfully as he put on more speed. And they were now neck and neck.

Just then jets flew by and started firing on them.

"Seekers!" Yelled Bumblebee as they all ran into a cave for cover. After the other seeker had been wiped out the Decepticons had found new one who had recently emerged from the Allspark that they had recruited to join their ranks.

The four Autobots had to hide do to being out numbers. Windblade tried to call base but couldn't get a signal.

So they decided to take a chance and try to ran passed them. Only to be spotted by Dreadwing and Skyquake two of the surviving seekers from the war. Who sent the others after them.

Bumblebee and his friends were taking the most rocky and treacherous path they could to make it hard for the seekers to get to them by not giving them much room to fly.

A light purple and blue colored seeker named Cloud Dagger was fighting Windblade and Cromia the seeker lived up to her name because she had daggers she could pull out of her wingtips that seemed to be her primary weapons.

Then Skyquake shot part of the cave making rocks fly everywhere and the cave to collapse.

"NOO!!!" Yelled Bumblebee who had made it out but saw his friends get buried. He rushed over to try to dig them out only to be punched by Dreadwing and knocked unconscious.

"Take him to base Megatron will be pleased to have him as a prisoner." Said Dreadwing. As Skyquake came and stood beside his brother.

"What about Cloud Dagger?" Asked another one of the seekers who noticed she was buried with the Autobots.

"She will be missed." Dreadwing told them without an ounce of emotion they boarded the ship taking their prisoner with them.

Meanwhile Hot Rod, Windblade and Cromia managed to dig themselves out and saw that the Cons had taken Bumblebee.

So they all went back to base and told Optimus Prime and the others what happened. And the Autobots all went to look for Bumblebee and to try to locate the Decepticon base.

But so far no one was having any luck. Windblade decided to go to Macadam's to see if anyone knew anything.

It just wasn't the same without Macadam there all the Autobots missed their friend since he had sacrificed himself during the Quintessent invasion.

Windblade was interrupted from her thoughts when she heard shouting and what sounded like a fight. And ran out to see what was going on.

And saw a bot was being beaten by some Decepticons. She heard the Decepticons were trying to build up their numbers again so they could try to take back Cybertron they wanted to start the war all over again.

And she recognized one of the Cons as Skybite. And the other two were just a couple of random seekers. But there was no missing the fact that it was three against one. And they were trying to force the bot to become a Decepticon and he clearly wanted no part of it.

After beating the red and white bot for a few more minutes they let him slump the the ground and the two seekers pulled then held him up by each of his arm. While Skybite held his faceplates forcing the bot to look at him.

"So what do you do for a living?" Skybite asked the mech in a mocking tone. And when the bot hesitated he punch him in the midsection.

"I'm a medic!" The bot groaned in pain upon receiving the blow.

"Ah the Decepticons could always use one of those." Skybite said smiling like a kid who had just opened a new toy.

"I'm not joining you jabber jaws." The red bot hissed. Which earn him a slap across the faceplates.

"Don't worry we have something back at base that will change your mind and give you a much needed attitude adjustment." Skybite told the bot before one of the seekers hit him heard across the helm and knocked him to the floor rendering the red bot unconscious.

They started to drag the mech away when Windblade who had seen enough ran over with her sword and fought them off then went to check on the bot they had been about to kidnap and saw that he was alive but badly beaten and unconscious so she took him back to the Autobot base so Ratchet could look at him.

Meanwhile Cloud Dagger who had survived the cave in regained consciousness and realized she had rocks sticking in part of her body.

Including her wings she could tell she was badly hurt and trapped underground the worst thing that could happen to a seeker.

And she let out several angry screams and kept pounding her fists against the cave floor where she was pinned. Angry that she had been abandoned.

Then another rock came loose and hit her on the helm leaving her dazed. Then she heard pedsteps and felt the rocks being lifted off her. And saw a bot approach her who gently flinged her over his shoulder then Cloud Dagger knew no more.

To Be Continued.

Hope this first chapter turned out OK this story was the last request I accepted before I stopped taking them. This first chapter was a nightmare to come up with. And this story is my first Cyberverse one and it's an AU so it doesn't add up with the show. It's supposed to take place after season three except Megatron is still alive and evil. So yeah I kind of doing my own thing with it. And I'd like to thank CreativeDreamJewel for letting me use her idea and I hope I did it justice and that it's to her liking. I'll try to update everything soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback. P.S. the next chapter is what's happening with Bumblebee.

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