Chapter 4

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Meanwhile at the Autobot base Ratchet had just finished his work in the medbay and decided to go for a drive he was worried about Bumblebee like the others and just wanted to clear his processor.

When suddenly he was fired on by a jet that transformed reviling it's self to be his old enemy Pharma.

"Hey Ratchet longtime no see." Said the evil former Autobot medic. Pharma had hated Ratchet ever since he had exposed him for killing his patients and gotten his medical license taken away.

"I'm not in the mood for this now." Ratchet told him having just wanted to take a relaxing drive.

Pharma responded by firing another blast at him causing Ratchet to fall to the ground then force him to his peds and started leading him at gunpoint.

At the same time that was happening Wheeljack was showing Knock Out who he had befriended some of his inventions.

"These are really cool." Knock Out complimented him.

"Yeah I like tinkering around with things." Wheeljack smiled.

"But isn't it a bit dangerous to have an experimental heat seeker missile out like this?" Knock Out asked feeling a bit uneasy.

"Not at all there's an odd glitch with this one it only activates if you play a specific song (The song in the header)." Wheeljack explained.

Just then Knock Out tripped which caused his radio to come on.

"Hey that's the song!" Said Wheeljack. "Oh not good!" He added seeing the missile activate.

"Yikes!" Knock Out screamed trying to turn off his radio.

"Quick shut it off or change channels" Wheeljack screamed.

"It's stuck!" Knock Out whimpered.

"Then drive like the wind!" Wheeljack shouted at him.

Knock Out didn't have to be asked twice and started driving at full speed with the missile right on his tailpipe. "OH SCRAP!!!" He screamed.

"Drive like your life depends on it!" Wheeljack yelled after him. "Because it actually does."

Meanwhile Pharma had force Ratchet to the outskirts of Iacon where he was planning to kill him.

"Now I can finally get my revenge on you." Pharma hissed in Ratchet's audio receptors.

"Please just get it over with so I don't have to listen to you anymore." Ratchet deadpaned to hide how scared he really was.

This earned him a smack across the faceplates.

"You will take me seriously!" Pharma barked.

"Hard to do." Ratchet replied. "And you won't get away with this."

"I'm about to do just that." Pharma said as he activated his saw and started to approach Ratchet. Who was bracing himself for the end.

But suddenly they both heard something and looked to the direction of what sounded like music.

Then Knock Out vehicle mode suddenly drove at them at top speed and his tires ended up hitting Pharma right smack in the faceplates.

"What.." Pharma yelled before he was cut off by the heat seeker missile that blew him to bits killing him right on the spot.

Knock Out change back to his bot mode and finally managed to turn his radio off.

And before the red medic could process what happened he was being hugged by Ratchet who kept thanking him for saving his life.

"Anytime." Knock Out told him not really having a clue that he had just killed Pharma having only been trying not to get blown up at the time.

Then Wheeljack arrived with the rest of the Autobots and they were all relived that both Knock Out and Ratchet were fine.

Then went back to base to rest since it was late but none of them would give up trying to find and save Bumblebee and would resume the search the next day.

Later that night Knock Out got up out of his berth after hearing something and saw Windblade who was leaving the base.

"Where are you going at this late hour?" Knock Out asked her.

"I can't recharge I'm just worried that something horrible has happened to Bumblebee and I know I should wait for the others but I just have to try to find him." She explained herself.

"It's dangerous to go out alone at this hour so I'm going with you." Knock Out told her.

"Ok thank you." She replied.

"Anytime." Knock Out answered understanding that she was worried about her friend.

So the two of them went out to look for Bumblebee but ran into Optimus and then they ran into Hot Rod and Ratchet and then Wheeljack. Turns out everyone was worried about Bee and decided to sneak out to continue looking for him.

Knock Out just stood there watching all of them explain themselves to each other and discuss looking together. And a smile crossed his faceplates glad to see how much the Autobots cared about each other and were like a family.

Then he suddenly felt a servo clamp over his mouth as he was dragged behind a corner and into an ally while no one was looking.

Knock Out tried to struggle but ended up having his helm banged against the wall of a building and the last the he saw before he blacked out was the outline of a seeker that was fuzzy and out of focus.

Just then the other realized he was gone. And saw where he had been dragged off but were to late to see who got him or where he was taken.

"No the Decepticons must have got him and after I promised him we wouldn't let that happen." Windblade said sounding on the verge of tears feeling she had lost Knock Out and Bumblebee.

"We'll save him we need to hurry before whoever has him gets away." Hot Rod told them.

Then they all took off following the marks on the ground from where he had been dragged off. Hoping they'd find him in time.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. Sorry it took so long been busy in RL.

And when the missile blew up Pharma and the song was playing imagine it going like this. "Wam!" (Knock Out's tires hit Pharma in the face.) "Bam!" (The missile blows him to bits.) At least that's how I picture it. XD.

I'll try to update everything soon starting with the next chapter of Betrayed. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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