Chapter 6

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The next day everyone was trying to come up with a plan to find and save Bumblebee. Starscream and Cloud Dagger were helping Windblade and Jetfire search from the sky.

While everyone else was looking for him on the ground. When suddenly Megatron should up where Cloud Dagger had been searching and shot her down after she tried to engage him wanting to make him pay for everything he had done to Starscream.

Starscream saw what happened and flew towards them at top speed but was too late to intervean and Megatron had already gotten away and didn't even know his former second in command had been there.

Starscream rushed to where Cloud Dagger had crashed and transformed then ran to her side.

"No Cloud Dagger!!" He cried picking her up in his servos. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!"

He saw that she was fortunately still alive but badly injured and he wasted no time calling Ratchet and Knock Out on his com-link and telling them what happened.

Then they came through a ground bridge and rush Cloud Dagger to the medbay and Starscream refused to leave her side just like she had done for him when he had been injured.

A few hours later Ratchet and Knock Out reported that Cloud Dagger would pull through but would be in stasis for a few days until her body could heal.

Starscream was relieved but they could all tell that he blamed himself as much as he did Megatron because Cloud Dagger had been hurt by him because she had been trying to get back at the Decepticon leader for what he had done to him.

He was just glad she was going to be OK once she came out of stasis. And was currently in the medbay with her.

"Don't ever do anything like that again." He said to the unconscious seeker on the berth. "I don't care about getting revenge on Megatron anymore especially if it costs your spark it's just too high a price to pay because your life is too important to me."

"I love you." He added in coolant tears.

Meanwhile Knock Out went to help continue looking for Bumblebee. They we're trying to locate the Decepticon base knowing that was probably where Bee was.

Unfortunately Starscream no longer knew where the Decepticon base was which was why he hadn't lead them there. The base had been moved since he was in the Decepticon ranks. So they just had to look for it.

Knock Out was trying to catch up to Windblade because he had been looking for Bumblebee with her before he had been called back to base to help treat Cloud Dagger and promised Windblade he'd meet up with her again once she was stable and in recovery.

Knock Out had just spotted Windblade when Soundwave and Shadowstriker showed up and attacked them. So Knock Out and Windblade were fighting them together.

Until Shadowstriker managed to knock Windblade unconscious which destructed Knock Out long enough for Soundwave to do the same to him.

Knock Out and Windblade both came too in a Decepticon holding cell. And we're both relieved to see that the other was OK.

Then Shadowstriker and Soundwave came and got them and forced them both to the main room of the base in stasis cuffs.

Bumblebee was there standing next to Megatron and they could both tell he had been given Dark Energon recently because his optics were glowing bright purple.

"What have you done to Bumblebee?!" Windblade yelled at Megatron furious at him for giving her friend Dark Energon and the fact that Bee didn't even seem to recognize her made her spark ache.

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