Chapter 1

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Harry first met Louis freshman year of college on a nice day in early September. He was reserved and a bit quiet when Harry first met him, but extremely kind nonetheless. Harry first met him at a kickback his friend was having at his off-campus flat. They had a mutual friend in the form of Zayn, Louis and Zayn were roommates, and Harry shares a low-level English class with Zayn. Their interaction that night was brief, but throughout the night Harry kept catching himself searching the room for Louis and simultaneously constantly aware of where he was. He looked effortlessly good that night in black jeans that were the perfect amount of baggy on him but still showed off his physique, a plain white shirt with a light-washed denim jacket over it, and some old skool vans. His hair was tousled and maybe even a little messy but it suited Louis' style.

Sometimes Louis' eye caught Harry's and Harry looked away, feeling a flush rise on his face in embarrassment. It happened too many times that night for Louis not to get the message— Harry was interested in some sort of way.

It was now November, the air was chilly and Harry had seen Louis at many more kickbacks and parties than he could count on all his fingers. They even had conversations sometimes, and once when it first began to get colder outside they shared a blunt with Zayn and some other guys. Harry still remembers how relaxed and happy Louis' face looked when he was pleasantly high and leaning against the exterior of the house, observing and listening to the conversation going on with his hands stuffed deep in his hoodie pockets because he was cold. It took everything in Harry to not inch over and pull him into an embrace to protect him from the cold.

Harry learned Louis was the loudest quiet person on earth. When they first met, or they were around a lot of people Louis was unfamiliar with he was extremely quiet, mostly observing and not contributing to the conversation at all. When it was a small group and he had someone he knew well with him his personality shined. He was quick-witted, funny, and had quite the mouth on him. When Harry first saw this side to Louis he was surprised but sprung at the opportunity to have an actual conversation with him that wasn't small talk.

"Hey Harry," Louis said with a shy smile. Harry grinned back at him, sending him a wave. It was around 8 o'clock and Harry had just gotten to the party that was hosted by a frat one of his friends was a part of.

"Gonna get a drink. Want another?" He asked Louis and glanced down at Louis' full cup. Maybe that was a dumb question, he should've looked before asking.

To his surprise, Louis holds the cup out for him. "Please. This one's gross." Louis says and crinkles his nose. Harry brings it up and takes a sniff, then a sip.

"S'just captain and coke," Harry says. Louis quirks a brow at him.

"Doesn't change the fact that it's gross." He answers back. A smile breaks out on Harry's face and he laughs softly.

"I'll get you a new one and I'll keep yours," Harry says with a small eye roll paired with a fond smile. Louis softly shoves him in answer which only makes Harry grin even more.

Harry pours Louis some of the jungle juice, it smelled fruity and was probably right up Louis' alley seeing as he wasn't a fan of the captain. When he makes it back over to Louis, Zayn is now with him.

"Thanks," Louis says and takes a sniff of the drink. He makes a face that says it smells meh to him and then takes a sip.

"Much better, thanks." He says again, Harry grins and takes that as a dismissal.

"No problem." He mumbles and turns around to walk away, he doesn't have any idea where to go, but he felt awkward hanging around Louis for no reason.

"Oi, Harold, wanna smoke?" Zayn asks him from where he is halfway to the patio door with Louis trailing behind him. Harry easily agrees, following the two men outside were three other guys were already rolling up.

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