Chapter 2

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Louis had heard rumors about Harry Styles his first week on campus, days before meeting the man. People who had gone to primary school with him and sixth form all had stories about how great of a shag he was and that he didn't mind boys and girls alike.

The first night he met Harry he understood it all, the attraction people had for him, how he was able to pull anyone, and especially why people yearned for his attention. Louis felt eyes on him every so often and when he looked up and found Harry's on him, his stomach was in shambles. As gentle as Harry's eyes were they were also piercing in those moments.

They continued to see each other at parties and kickbacks alike for the next few months, each time Louis working up more and more courage to talk to Harry a bit when the man made efforts to speak with him. He loved that Harry found him funny, even when he wasn't necessarily trying to be.

So when Harry asked him out, Louis' heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. Despite his shyness, he still just had to make sure it was more than sex to Harry. Louis couldn't handle it if that was all Harry wanted.

"What's your definition of hanging out?" Louis asks carefully. Harry's brain short circuits.

"Um. I don't know, maybe like the movies, or a restaurant or coffee—?

"So like a date you mean?" Louis asks, eyes now firm and set on Harry.

"Yeah! We can even just hang out at your dorm or my—"

"It's just 'cause I don't want to give you the wrong impression, Harry. I don't do, um, that, with people I don't know well." Louis says with a small flush on his cheeks.

As hard as it was for Louis to set that boundary, it had to be done. He didn't want to be put in the awkward situation where Harry was expecting one thing and it was the one thing that has always been the farthest thing on Louis' mind.

The truth was that Louis was a big fat virgin. In every sense of the word, Louis was it. He's never kissed someone, got to first base, or any base for that matter.

So when he told Harry he didn't fuck people he didn't know well, he should've just said he's never fucked anyone. And because he just wanted to keep that subject as short as possible at the time, now he has to figure out a way to incorporate it into a conversation before Harry tries to pull a move on him.

"Thanks for paying for my coffee! By the way, I'm a virgin." Louis mumbles to himself as he exits his car and begins the short walk to the Starbucks in front of him. As he walks in he searches the room for a head of curls and finds him in a corner table with two drinks in front of him as he scrolls through his phone. Louis is a corner table type of guy and it's nice to know Harry is too.

"Hey." Louis says with a bright smile. Harry looks up with a grin, immediately clicking his phone shut and standing to pull Louis into a hug.

"Hey, how was class?" Harry asks once he lets Louis go. Louis shrugs as he takes a seat next to Harry.

"Was alright, same old same old. Thanks for the drink, by the way." Louis says and takes a sip of it. It was just hot chocolate, but who doesn't love a good hot chocolate?

"No problem, if I had known you worked at Starbucks before asking you here I would've picked a different place." Harry says with a small chuckle. Louis grins at him and waves him off.

"I actually don't mind, it's a great job honestly and it smells amazing all day every day." He says with a chuckle. Harry grins at him.

"But you don't work at this one right?" Harry says and looks over to the workers.

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