Chapter 5

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"Harry if you're taking me to the middle of nowhere to murder me just say so! It's not like I can escape right now." Louis says and faces Harry to see his reaction. Harry rolls his eyes with a chuckle, one hand coming off the steering wheel to pat Louis' thigh.

"Baby I'm not murdering you. I'm just not telling you where we're going. It's a surprise okay?" Harry says and looks at Louis for a brief moment to smile at him. Louis feels a smile come to his face.

"I'm not a surprise kind of person. I need to know everything." Louis states. Harry laughs at that. "Don't I know it."

"Mmhm and what's that supposed to mean?" Louis asks. Harry smirks and brings Louis' hand to his mouth.

"Okay, we're here," Harry says as he parks. Louis gets out of the car and takes Harry's hand as the man guides him into what seemed to be an outdoor mall.

"I brought you here for one specific thing," Harry says and tugs Louis along. Louis sees the cafe before Harry even speaks, a gasp falling from his mouth.

"Did you just bring me to the cat cafe? Oh my god you did. I mentioned it once!" Louis laughs and pulls Harry into a hug. Harry laughs happily and kisses Louis' cheek.

"You know I listen when you speak right?" Harry chuckles. Louis just stands on his tippy toes to kiss Harry, taking a hold of a good chunk of his curls to help balance himself.

"You're the best Harry. Seriously this is so sweet." He tells him against his mouth. Harry blushes, holding Louis tighter.

"Come on Lou." He says and pulls Louis into the cafe. The baristas yell out a greeting to them and Harry pulls Louis over to a corner where they each sat on a bean bag and the kittens began approaching them.

"This is heaven." Louis says and brings the kitten up to his face. It sniffs the tip of his nose before licking it, Louis then hearing the shudder of a camera go off.

"Harry." He groans and sees the man's iPhone pointed at him. Harry brings the phone down and smiles at the picture.

"New lock screen potential," Harry says. Louis smiles and blushes a bit, rolling his eyes to mask how lovely that sounded.

"Hi gentlemen, what can I get for you today?" Asks one of the waitresses. Louis and Harry both scramble for the menus on the short table in front of them.

"Sorry, we got distracted by the kittens," Harry tells her with an embarrassed smile. She laughs and waves him off.

"It's okay! I can come back when you're ready." She tells them. Harry reads over the menu, his eyes straying to the desserts.

"Ooh, Lou they have crumble cookies." He says. Louis gives Harry a look.

"It's 8 am Harold, go to the breakfast section." Louis teases. Harry pouts but flips to the breakfast menu. Louis chuckles and grabs a hold of Harry's hand.

"I was joking, Harry." Louis tells him, Harry's lips quirk in a smile.

"I know. I'm lactose intolerant and it's 8 am and I'm sorry if this is a TMI but I can't spend my day ducking into bathrooms every few hours." Harry says with a flush. Louis laughs and facepalms, shaking his head.

"You're something else, Harry." Louis chuckles. Harry smiles and kisses Louis' hand.

"Are we ready now?" The same waitress from before asks. Louis and Harry look at each other and nod.

"I'll have the mini croissants with a side of fruit, please. And tea as well." He tells her, she nods and writes it down before bringing her attention to Louis.

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