Chapter 6

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Harry: in the car park, come find me

Harry grins when he sees the three little dots appear, knowing he was going to get a sassy reply from Louis.

Louis: very specific harry. What if I wandered to the wrong Toyota and got murdered?

Harry laughs and begins to type a reply.

Harry: sounds unfortunate babe, good luck!

Louis: send me ur pinned location or we're breaking up.

Harry: idk how to do that Lou I'm old.

The next thing that pops up is his phone telling him that Louis is sharing his location with him and he can share his as well. He begins to share his location and sees that he and Louis are actually quite close.

"You're lucky I like you," Louis says to Harry when he's finally found him five minutes later. Harry laughs loudly and opens his arms for Louis who speeds up his walk and burrows into Harry's neck.

"Mhm, I missed you so much this week." Harry says and holds Louis' waist tightly against himself. Louis sneaks a hand into his hair and rakes through his short curls.

"I know. Finals week sucks but it's finally over." Louis sighs into his neck. Harry rocks them side to side for a little longer, only pulling back when Louis does. They don't separate from their embrace, just lean back to get a look at one another.

"Look at you. Handsome as ever." Louis says and scrunches his nose cutely at Harry. Harry grins, leaning down to press his lips against Louis'. Louis smiles against his mouth and pulls back after a few moments.

"So what are we doing tonight?" He asks. Harry lights up.

"Movie night. Just me and you and whatever we wanna watch. But, I need you to give me like thirty minutes before you come over. My place is a mess from finals and I refuse to let you see what a slob I am this early in our relationship." Harry tells Louis which makes him laugh loudly.

"Okay, I'll head to the store and get us snacks while you clean up your mess." Louis tells him. Harry nods in agreement, ducking down to kiss Louis one last time.

"Bye Lou." He whispers before Louis backs out of his embrace, sending him one last smile before turning around to go find his car.

Harry quickly cleans his apartment and checks his phone when he's done to see a text from Louis saying he's on his way, he grins when he sees they're both still sharing their location and that Louis was getting pretty close.

Harry lights a candle, one of the manly-smelling ones Louis is obsessed with simply because they remind him of Harry's cologne. When he told Harry that was the reason he enjoyed the candles so much Harry just about melted into a puddle.

He hears a knock and rushes to the door, grinning when he sees Louis on the other side, his reusable bag over his shoulder and a bright smile on his face.

"I've missed your face so much." Harry chuckles and tugs Louis into the apartment. Louis giggles and easily falls into Harry's arms, kissing the man's cheek.

"Missed you too Harry." Louis whispers into his neck. Harry grabs Louis' chin to press a kiss to his mouth before pulling away and grinning.

"Go get comfortable, I'm gonna grab us some drinks." He tells Louis. Louis nods and sets his bag on the table and pulls out the array of snacks he got them and settles onto the couch. Harry comes in with a bunch of drinks in his arms and sets them down, leaning over the couch to grab a blanket behind Louis and kissing him on the way.

"Thank you for getting the snacks." Harry mumbles and settles down next to Louis. Louis lays his head on Harry's shoulder and sighs.

"Of course. What are we watching?" He asks and pulls the blankets over both their laps. Harry sighs.

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