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I am asked to go evaluate security at the Kavanagh family home. I have a talk with the Kavanagh parents and tell them Mr Grey would like to upgrade all the security. We go over everything and I explain why and they aren't willing to let us do the modifications to their homes. I explain that Mia and the babies won't be able to come to their homes. But they can visit them in theirs and the Grey homes though. They weren't happy and called Ethan immediately. He pretty much agreed with my analysis of the situation. They didn't fire the staff who allowed Jose inside, so we just have them patrol the grounds. They really don't have any real responsibility.
Well I guess we won't be able to have them here for any reason unless we have the updates, unless we have a huge group of security from Christian. I have plans to show off my grandchildren, how can I do that if we can't have them here because they will be at risk? This is not happening we should be able to have our grandchildren here whenever we like. Gordon doesn't want all the security around us. He has a habit of disappearing and can't be contacted. I am a bit suspicious of why he doesn't allow for the updates.
I have nearly been caught several time cheating on Janet, if I allow the upgrades they will definitely find out I am cheating and take me to the laundry in a divorce. Janet asks me what I am hiding that I won't allow for the free upgrade.
I call Taylor and ask him if he can find out something for me without Gordon finding out. He assures me he can and will. I tell him I want Gideon followed and if he is cheating on me again. I want enough evidence to destroy the prenuptial he forced me to sign.
I have a guy who can get that information for you and quietly as well as quickly. I take it you wanted the upgrades and he didn't, because he would be caught in the act.
I believe so, because who wouldn't want security upgrades to keep his or her family safe from enemies. I started suspecting, when he missed a few events for the weddings. You can start the upgrades when you like this is my home more than his. I will be damned if my family would risk their lives coming here to visit. Start when you can the sooner the batter. He won't be here much anyway. I was surprised he was here today.
I will get a team for tomorrow morning along with your new CPOs, 8am be okay for you?
Yes. Let me know when the spy will start.
He was already on it, we suspected something was off about Mr Kavanagh and have had him followed along with his female companions. Hate to say it, but he definitely gets around. I would start emptying joint accounts if I were you. Get his name off anything you can. Get your own attorney, Carrick might help you on this one, because he can't stand Gordon for some reason. If I would hazard a guess he probably put the moves on a person he cares about.
No doubt, I know he tried with Grace, but he also thought making a move on Mia would work as well. They avoid h8m like the plague was my first clue. I will call Carrick then.
Duncan Gregor
I was sent over to the Kavanagh house to set everything up and check out the new equipment that was brought over last night. I have to say if this lady wasn't married I would ask her to dinner. Eight hours later we have definitely invaded every room in this place and set up every thing Taylor wanted here. The guard gate and fencing come in three days and will take a week to build the guardhouse and att the to the sewer and water lines. It's like a mini house that controls the gates and cameras in conjunction with the room we setup all the other security setups. I also have a few men coming for an introduction and Barney is training everyone on his new security systems. The mans a genius in IT and security.
Duncan was a nice guy and if I could I would have join3d him for dinner, but I am not single and I need to be. I call Carrick Grey and ask for an appointment. At first they give me one and then Carrick gets on the line and we talk about the kids and then I explain what I done and why.
I was wondering how much longer you would put up with his nonsense. Come to dinner tonight and bring your prenup agreement and a list if assets you can verify.
The next morning I have signed Janet on as a client and have even provided her with names and places from Christians investigations he ran on everyone involved in the family in anyway shape or form. It along with current mistresses will be enough for her to get half of everything. That cheating clause goes both ways. He was good at hiding it from her, but not Christian and his investigations. So we file the divorce papers after she empties all the cash she can from joint accounts and properties. We even found a property that he had only in his name and we found more than we bargain3d for. A woman with three small children. Janet was beside herself, but she asked the lady if she knew he was a married man? She couldn't speak English. We left her there for now and looked into what was going on there. I suspect, but wasn't going to say it.
I can't believe this, he would take advantage of this girls desperation at not returning to her home country that he used her and now she has three of his children. I will make sure she knows and is able to stay in the country.

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