Anas Midnight Visitor

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I am going through my clothes while Elliott is snoring peacefully on my bed. Ana is out with Christian and is staying overnight at his place in New York. We have free reign of the house. Ana told us if Larry cones by to call the cops on him immediately. Him we were aware of, but we had no idea and I doubt Ana did either. She has a stalker. He pounded on the door at 3am. At first I didn't recognize him. Then it hits me he is in all of our classes I can't recall his name. Elliott heard the pounding on the door and put his jeans on and headed to the door. He hit the alarm just in case. It is a good thing he did too. The guy was shocked to see Elliott and he demanded to see Ana.
Ana is away for the weekend with her boyfriend.
Jose Rodriguez
She can't be, because I am her boyfriend.
That's odd because she's dating my brother, even Kate knows that. Who are you and when did you ever go out with her? Kate knows who her boyfriend is and it isn't you.
Elliott he is in our classes with us. He hasn't even spoken to Ana. He creeps us out by staring at us. Listen you need to leave now. He pulls a gun and tells us to call Ana and get her back now. I dial 911 and tell Ana to come home immediately we have her boyfriend here pointing a gun at Elliott and I. They tell me help is on it's way and stay on the line. I start telling them about our day and then I describe the outfit that he has on and then Elliott distracts him while I describe  the guy. The cops arrive and try to contain the scene, but he grabs me and points the gun at my heart. I suspect he is also feeling me up as well. What we didn't know is that Christian had CPOs on us and they hit José from behind.
Okay get this scumbag out of here now. He is not anyone's boyfriend the girl Ana has never been his girlfriend. She's my brother's girlfriend. They are in New York right now.
This guy is in our college classes he creeps us out by staring at us all the time.
He needs help, he is delusional. I and my brother know who Ana is dating and it has never been him. I live here and know. So please get him to a psychiatrist before he does other things.
Ana is mine and everyone knows it and I am going to show you all once she gets back home. I am hurting and now handcuffed and on my way to jail. I tell them that the couple was lying and keeping Ana from being with me. Then tell them I have photos of her and I and some of her nude. They look at each other and ask where these photos are at now?
Cop 1
Okay this guy has a history of this so let's let him keep talking and record everything. He has been read his Miranda already. So everything he says now we can use to acquire a warrant to search his place and car as well. The gun appears to be stolen.
Cop 2
I stop the car just to look at this guys records, he not only has a sealed record prior to 18, but he has a long history of following female college students around and they were attacked by unknown assailants just after they filed restraining orders against him. Somehow he got off of the charges due to lack of evidence.
We get to the jail and the Sargent recognizes him as a frequent guest.
Sargent Rogers
Oh good Lord who are you harassing now José?
I was trying yo save my girlfriend from being held against her will. I had to use a gun this time to get her free. There were several people holding her hostage.
Cop 1
Apparently this guy is a fellow student and in this girl's classes along with her friend. She is in New York with her boyfriend whose brother was with her friend that lived in the same home. He advised us that no one but the girls have ever seen this guy at her home until this morning. Her friend that is in the same classes as the girl and him stated would sit and stare at her friend all during the classes. She said he creeped them out and stayed far from him at all times.
That isn't true at all. I have pictures of us and naked ones of her as well would I have those if I weren't her boyfriend?
Sargent Rogers
So can we search your car and place to obtain evidence of your innocence? Will you allow us access to your electronic devices including cell phones and computers?
No sir I can't do that. But we can get Ana to admit to our relationship. (I have set up cameras when the security safeguards were put in and will use them to get free, I sent video clips of her showering and sleeping and me in the scenes) When she sees them she will drop charges. All the others did. They put me in jail and allow one phone call to my attorney Archie Billings. It helps when your step dad is an attorney and her boss. Now to get him yo bail me out.
Archie Billings
I pick up the phone and it is who I think it is yet again, my wife's son in jail yet again. I have to go down and bail the little prick out again. I hope the charges stick this time. My wife and I will be talking when I get home. Her son is a very sick person and needs therapy. He allowed me to see his sealed records to scare the hell out of me and it sure did.

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