A New Home

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I have never seen a home so grand in my lifetime. I am shown the babies nursery and the nurse puts him in his crib. It looks new and everything is wonderful. I am taken to the room across from it. Dr Grey asks me to call her Grace and I will be meeting her staff and husband soon. She says he's an attorney and will help get the legal end of things going in the right direction. She asks me if I can eat anything. I feel weird about being here, but she explained why. I am not safe out on the streets and I am not healed or healthy enough to be on my own.
I have food brought to Jenna and the baby us being well cared for my housekeeper is beyond elated at having a mother and child in the house again. I am a mother, but I suspect she just wants to be needed by our new guests. I explain that no one is to know they are here. She and the baby are in danger from her stepfather and her own mother. Security will be tight from now on. The girl and baby can't leave until we get them arrested and jailed. Then she can go places with security. Her education will need to be checked into.. I believe Morton was giving her a sex education and nothing more. Otherwise someone surely would have noticed the bruises on her. I am amazed that she is still alive after everything she told me. Christian has called to see if I have everything I need. He is worried that this Morton guy and his wife are going to come after me. He could be right, so I am going to have more security until everything is resolved. Grrrrr. But he is right anybody willing to sell a baby even his own son might be capable of anything.
The laws on situations like this is unclear, but what is clear is that this man has molested, well raped this girl from the age of 8 and she has been pregnant four times. We know that much, but she doesn't want to talk about the other three babies. I won't push it, because it is probably painful to talk about. I mean four babies at 15 and not a healthy 15 year old. I do some checking and see about what can happen now. We are foster parents, but want to save this girl and her child from the Mortons. We talk after she's asleep and discuss what we can do. I think we need to have a chat about all of this and find out what Jenna thinks about it all.
I guess mom decided to help a young girl who had a baby and guess what the girl named the baby. Jameson is his name the girl is fifteen and in bad shape. She found out the stepfather was the baby's father and he was going to sell the baby and grab the girl again. Apparently he did so much damage to her that she had to have a total hysterectomy. So mom asked me to send people over and I sent Taylor to assess the situation and it's bad. Very bad. They had to move the girl fast and she's staying at mom and dads home now. Her name is Jenna and she was obviously trying to hide from these monsters. She called an a,balance that got her to the hospital safely. Otherwise she told mom they would have had give birth at home. This was her fourth pregnancy. Her stepdad apparently started raping her at 8 years old.
That name sounds familiar to me for some reason. I think Allison asked Jameson about someone by that name recently. You don't think it could be the same person do you?
I hear the conversation and I have to tell them before they find out that Louis is Jennas baby. I approach and it must be written all over my face, because Christian asks me if I know something about Jenna? I finally break down and tell them I lied to the caseworker when I saw the girl was Jennas daughter, because of a birth mark on their wrists. They have me sit down and tell them everything and what I know. I tell them how I delivered the baby and how Jenna was scared to go to the hospital. She had been hiding from her mom and stepdad successfully for almost the length of her pregnancy. She just took the baby and disappeared, I found the baby in front of a fire department and took her with me. So we hid the baby as well as we could until I was arrested for the cupcake. When I saw that the baby was in the same foster home I said it was my sister so they added her in the adoption. I don't know how they did it, but they did.
In this case we will overlook that, but we definitely need to go show Jenna her baby is safe and well cared for. But if you had said something we might have just adopted her anyway. Since we are a family now I think we will just let sleeping dogs lie for now. But security is going to be tighter now that we know about the Mortons. I call Taylor and give him a heads up and arrange going to meet Jenna and let her see Louisa.
I love that little baby, she just celebrated her first birthday a month ago. We can't let the Mortons get away with this can we? The baby's need protection and so does Jenna. Think we can handle two more and the one in the oven? Another 15 year old and a newborn baby? The foster system is broken, but glad your mom and dad saw the need and got involved. Angels were looking out that day for Jenna.

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