Love Lights

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We all board the planes to head towards Aspen and the homes we are staying in while there. What I don't know is they are side by side and both belong to Christian. He bought them both from a man hiding his assets from his trophy wife. He truly did marry a gold digger. He made a huge error in Vegas, he drank too much and got hitched without his prenuptial agreement. So he sold fast and hid the money in his daughters accounts. So Christian got a great price for both homes. He also inherited a wonderful staff for both homes. He bought the car fleets as well. I can't blame the guy for hiding his assets. After the divorce he was left with very little. She now has half his company and has no idea how to run it, but bullies everyone. He tried to sell his half to Christian but he refused. The woman tried to seduce Christian in the men's room at an event they had to attend. He testified against her in the divorce along with Taylor who had to get her off him. I met her at a recent event and she tried yet again, I stopped her I pulled her hair extensions out. I said ooops I just saw what happened and they went that way. I kissed Christian and we went our merry way as I threw the extensions in the trash.  She left with a red face.
Elliott has plans on proposing this weekend. Kate has no idea, but I do. Her parents were on the other plane and are staying next door. Elliott has asked for her fathers blessing. He really had to be convinced, but gave in finally. We had Mia create a romantic atmosphere for the proposal. I am surprising Ana as well, but mine is in New York. I blame Elliott, he and Kate made me realize that Ana is everything to me. She and I live together and we have had one fight and that was because of Jose. He pulled a bigger stunt than the 3am visit. He came to GEH and waited for me outside my building. He told me to stay away from Ana that he was her boyfriend. He showed me pictures of them on his phone at college and it looked like they were kissing. I looked closer and saw it wasn't her, but I thought it was her because it was the coat I bought her. What I didn't know is that the coat had been stolen while she was in class. She was scared to tell me since it was so expensive. Kate had to let her use a coat of hers until she replaced the one I bought her. The coat had a wait list to get it. So she couldn't go and buy it. I told her to inform me the next time things like this happened. We got the coat back from the girl in the pictures. She was in the same class and wore it thinking we wouldn't be able to prove it was Anas. It has a serial number hidden in the design along with the owners name. She was arrested and the coat was released to Ana. We have a restraining order against Jose now and have advised the college of his antics. He was told that if he continued he would be expelled.
I found out that Jose has deluded himself into thinking Ana is his girlfriend. When I found out he had set his sights on Ana I refused to bail him out. My wife threw a fit. I told the cops they could search my home and car that he was using of mine. What they found was unbelievable. I know Ana and Christian are dating and serious. I had someone go to her home to get the spy cameras that Jose placed in there. He posed as an installer to put the devices in her home. She allowed her home to be searched as well and the devices were bought by my wife's credit cards. This kid has pretty much destroyed my marriage and I believe he did his moms marriage to his dad. So I got divorce papers filed and will be single in a month. Jose is still in jail, since he violated his probation with the stolen gun and holding the couple hostage at gun point. We got Anas photos and videos that Jose had taken entered into evidence, but it is a closed court. Christian Grey pulled something strings and was there along with Carrick, myself and three other attorneys on Anas side. It took 30 minutes and they found Jose guilty and sentenced him 10 years. I am very protective of my employees so this was very personal to me. I sat on Anas side and was called to testify to her good character.
I am going to ask Ana to marry me on New Year's Eve in my new place in New York. We bought it while we were in New York and Jose's visit. I am glad Ana wasn't there, she hasn't been there much at all. We moved all her things over to our place after we returned from New York. I have two CPOs on her now. Archie divorced his wife because of Jose's antics and her enabling all his bad behavior.
I am glad the cops searched Anas home, we found cameras that weren't put there by the security guys. The cops found naked photos of Kate, Mia, Ethan, Ana, Christian and myself on Jose's computer and phone. Dad, Archie, and Christians team of attorneys made them close the court when Jose stood trial. The photos were only viewed privately and obviously certain parts were covered. The videos were another matter, they blocked certain things, but you knew. All of them were flabbergasted at Jose's voyeurism. They showed just certain sections as well. Our privacy was violated to the point we have become paranoid about security devices.
God knows who else this guy has done this to. Ana was his target, but we all became his victims.
Well now they all know I am having sex with Mia. Her family had no idea. Her father had the talk with me. Then her brothers. I tell them all that Mia and I enjoy each other. If it develops further then good, but it is our business alone.

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