Chapter 14: touch me im sick

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It's been a couple weeks since Kurt and I first made love. The experience has bonded us closer than ever before, and although I did enjoy it a lot, I've been feeling kind of strange lately.. Morning sickness has become the usual, But it's probably nothing, I think I've just got a flu or something.. That must be it, it'll pass.

Well, This morning while I was throwing up in the bathroom again, Kurt came rushing through the door.

"Lex, are you okay? Whats wrong? Are you sick?" He panics as he bends down by my side and rubs my back in a soothing motion.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. I'll be fine.." I struggle to say as I dunk my head back in the toilet and throw up once more.

"You don't look fine to me.." He spews out in a sense of panic.

"Kurt, baby I'll be fine, just a little hung over." I fib hoping that he wouldn't question me again.

"I don't remember you drinking last night.. Lex whats wrong, please talk to me."

He always knows when something's wrong.. He knew me too well, that's one of the many things I both love and hate about him.

I stood back up, walked to the couch in the living room and wrapped myself up in the blankets.

"Lex, please I'm worried about you, you've been getting sick like this every morning for days." He stutters as he walks over and cradles me in his arms.

I couldn't deny it any longer, I knew in my heart it wasn't the flu.. I knew it was something more, it had to be.. But if I told Kurt, he would leave me for sure..

"Kurt, it's really nothing, honest. Just trust me on this one okay?" I say choking back the tears and saving face.
Kurt paused for a moment, I could tell he wasn't convinced, I could see it in his eyes.

"Alright.. I've got band practice in 10, call me if you need me okay?" he kissed my cheek, and stroked it with I thumb one last time before getting up to grab his guitar case. I nodded in agreement as he struggled to leave the apartment.

Minutes after Kurt left for band practice, I laid there on the couch for a while letting my own thoughts eat away at me before pulling myself together to call Shelli.

'She'd know what to do.' I told myself.


"Shel, it's me, Alex."

"Oh hey Alex, whats up?"

"I.. It's a.. It's a long story.. But uh.. I think I might be.. Pregnant.."

"You what?! Are you serious?! Lex, holy shit!"

"I know, I know.. Could you just maybe come over with a pregnancy test? Don't say anything to the guys please.. I'm scared shitless right now.."

"Of course Hun, I'll be over in 10."

"Thanks so much shel."

I hung up the phone and paced around the apartment waiting for Shelli to arrive.

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