Chapter 3: party?

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I was finally done getting ready for the party. I was all dolled up and ready to go, with a casual melvins band tee, a baggy blue flannel, a pair of holy jeans, and some minimal mascara and eyeliner.

I really didn't want to go to this party, but I grabbed my book bag and made my way outside. I started walking to Samantha's when i noticed a very tall, lanky guy skateboarding down the road. He was kick flipping off the side walk when one of his wheels got stuck and he went flying.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I yell running to his side to help him up. "Oh ya, this happens all the time." He laughs, trying to act casual. "Whata rebel." I say jokingly, picking up his skateboard and handing it to him. He laughs excepting the skateboard. "Thanks.. Hey, aren't you the girl from my school?" He asks trying to remember me. "You go to Aberdeen high?" I ask. "Yeah! Now I remember you! You're the girl who painted our school mural! Pretty awesome job by the way." He smiles sighing in relief as he finally figures out who I am. "Well thanks, I'm Alex." I laugh, pulling out my hand for a hand shake. "Krist." He says pulling my hand in for a quick shake. "Hey, I was just on my way back to my place, I invited over a couple of my friends for a get together, wanna come?" He suggests. "Hell, why not. after all it is summer break." I say as I start to walk down the street with him.

When we got to krists apartment, he opened the door to let me in first. "Nice place." I say strolling through his living room, admiring everything around me. "It not much but it's something. He says throwing down his bag full of junk food down onto the coffee table.

"GUYS GET YOUR ASS IN HERE! WE HAVE COMPANY!!" He yells at the top of his lungs. I suddenly here a crashing of footsteps rushing down the hallway. It was a guy I'd recognized from school and 2 girls I've never really met before. "Heyy! Your Alex from science class right?" A guy I recognized as Chad asked. "That would be me." I said with a welcoming wave. "Heyy, I'm shelli!" The one girl said waving at me. "Nice too meet you shelli, I'm Alex." I said smiling back. The other girl gave me a dirty look and flopped onto the couch beside chad. "And that would be Veronica.. Don't mind her, she's just in a bitchy mood." Shelli nudged me and cracked a smile. "I can hear you!" Veronica yelled. "Babe, do you mind not being such a pretentious asshole tonight?" Chad laughed as he put his arm around her. "Oh shut it." She said cracking a smile and kissing him passionately. "So I see you've already met my sexy girlfriend shelli." Krist said as he comes out from a room down the hall. And hugs shelli from behind. "Would you knock it off and go get the coolers?" She laughed rolling her eyes as she pushed him into the kitchen. I laughed and took a seat on an open couch.

"Oh yeah, Kurt should be down soon, he's just busy having make up sex with his right hand." Krist yells from the kitchen as everyone laughs. 'Kurt..' I think to myself trying to piece it together. "No it's probably not him.." I say aloud. "What?" Chad says as he looks over at me with a weird smirk. "Oh, uh.. Nothing!" I pop out as I look away.

Krist comes back with a cooler full of beers for everyone, and a bag of hand rolled joints. "Alright everyone, dig in." He announces as he sets the cooler down on the floor. Everyone gets up to grab a beer and a joint, and as I make my way up to grab my share, I suddenly here a sleepy voice from behind.

"everyone's here already?" "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!" Krist says running over to him. I turn around and nearly drop my cooler. It was Kurt. Kurt Cobain.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched, still in his pyjamas. He shoves Krist off of him playfully and before I knew it, our eyes were stuck on each other. Almost like some magnetic force was forcing our eyes to meet. His mouth slightly opened, and his face turned a soft shade of red.

I guess mine did too, because everyone soon noticed. "You guys know each other?" Chad chuckled. Every soon stopped what they were doing, almost like they were waiting for one of us to respond. Kurt and I quickly looked away, and resumed doing what we were doing before. "Sorta" I say with a slight smile. Krist whispered something to shelli and she giggled as Kurt walked back down the hall into the room he first came out of and closed the door. I suddenly had a look of embarrassment on my face.

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