Chapter 10: questions and answers

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Summers almost over, and It's been almost 2 months since I went on my first date with kurt. we've been going steady ever since, and have gotten closer than ever before.

" I really like him.. he's coming over tonight." I tell shelli on the phone as i paint my toenails black on the couch.

"Krists been telling us how all Kurts talks about is you, he really likes you, Alex."

"Really? Awh shel, that's so cute!" I reply realizing my face turned beat red.

"They're definitely fucking tonight on their two month!" Krist yells through the phone.

"Oh shut up Krist!" Shelli yells.

I laugh, "Were not fucking for our "two month" I mean were not even official!" I say rolling my eyes at krists dumbass remark.

"Hey, it wouldn't be completely slutty." Krist yells through the phone again.

"Krist- fucking- novoselic. do you want me to come over there?!" Shelli giggles.

"I thought you were fucking novoselic.. OW!" He chuckles as shelli hits him on the arm.

"Well, I'll let you go get ready for tonight, good luck!" Shelli adds.

"Don't be silly, wrap your willy!" krist yells again.

I just smile and roll my eyes. "Goodbye you two." I say as I hang up the phone.


I was just finishing up the final touches of my hair and make up and I heard a knock at the door.

"Right on time." I giggle to myself.

I ran to answer the door to see a nervous looking kurt standing at the door frame.

"Hey stranger." I say gesturing him to come in.

"Heyy Alex." He smiles and kisses me on the lips.

Something was off about him, he's never seemed this tense before. At least not since the first time we went out.

"You alright?" I ask as we both sit down on the couch.

He pauses for a moment, it looked like he was trying to collect his thoughts together and say something, but the words weren't coming out.

I-it's nothing.. So what do you wanna do tonight?" he quickly changed the subject.

I turned on my ghetto blaster and inserted my newest punk rock mix tape.

"Wanna get stoned as fuck?!" I yelled with excitement as I grabbed my bag of medical marijuana blunts.

"Never a bad time." Kurt laughed as he light one up.

"Damn this is some good shit." He says as he exhales.

"So I've been told.." I cough on my last puff.

Who'd you buy off of?"

"Home grown."

"Shit, you're good." He starts to laugh, and I follow.

One blunt leads to two, then three, then four, then five. At this point, I'm completely baked out of my mind. On the other hand, Kurt seemed alright, the guy could pass as sober if he tried hard enough, but he's always seemed to have a good tolerance to the stuff.

"Hey you.." I say reaching for his arm.

"Yeah?" He squints and giggles.

"I like you.." I whisper and start to laugh.

"I like you too, Alex." He says as he sits down on the couch.

"Alex?? Who the fucks this bitch? Am I not good enough for your likings??" I say plopping myself down on my beanbag chair.

"Alex, you're the Alex I'm talkin about. I like you." He starts laughing histarically.

"So you don't like kurt?" I ask him.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He walks over and sits beside me.

"It's just..I like him and.. I forget.." I laugh as I lean back.

"You think he's gotta nice dick?.." I close my eyes and bite my lip.

"Uh.. I think I'm gunna cut you off for the night." He laughs and takes away the sixth unlight blunt I had clutched in my hand.

"Hey you know what we should do?!" I yell.

"Whats that?" He smirks with a slight giggle.

"Let's go for a walk." I get up and stumble, falling back into the wall.

He started to laugh and helped me up. "I don't think a walk would be the best thing for you right now, Alex."

"Sleepover?" I ask him, falling into his arms clinging to his neck.

"You sure?" He asks holding onto my waist so I don't fall.

" Yess."

"Alright." He says picking me up with his long, lanky arms and carrying me down the hall, looking for my bedroom until he finally stumbled upon it. For a skinny guy, he was pretty strong. He layed me down on the bed, and began to walk out.

"Kurt where the fuck are you going?" I laugh.

"On the couch for the night."

"No." I say shaking my head.

"No?" He laughs.

In here." I say lifting the covers up. He shrugs and climbs in.


I lay down, and fall asleep for a couple hours, snuggled on to his chest in his lanky arms, when I heard a loud noise and shot up from my cozy bed. I was finally a little more sobered up. I held me breath and trembled in fear, I looked down to see kurt still fast asleep. I quietly got up and snuck over to the door, and peered over the side to check out the place. I was only in my bra, underwear and a baggy oversized t-shirt when I heard a voice.

"loving the view." It startled me and I jumped. I quickly reflexed and covered up my body with the door.

"Jesus, kurt!" I whisper loudly.

"I'm a guy what can I say?" He laughed.

"Did you hear that?" I whisper.

"Hear what?" He smirks, rubbing his eyes and getting up to the side of the bed.

I peer over the side of the door again, just to check one last time, but nothing was there.

"It's nothing, probably just my paranoia.." I sigh, closing the door and climbing back into bed.

"You're safe Alex, Ive got you." He whispers as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

"You wanna go do something? I can't sleep.."

"Nah, I'd rather stay here with you." He softly laughed, yawned and pulled me closer.

"Wow smooth moves mr. Romantic." I snorted.

"Like I said, I try." He chuckles.

"So uh, listen Alex.. There's something I gotta tell you.." He says suddenly looking serious.

"Oh no..what?" I say looking concerned that I might have done something wrong.

"Relax, it's nothing bad.. At least I don't think it is.."

"Oh just spit it out cobain!" I say as I sit up to listen.

"Alright, calm down ya freak. So..we've been going out for almost two months..and they've been the happiest two months I've ever had in a long time.." He continues.

I instantly start to blush. "Awh kurt, I feel the same way." I add.

"I was hoping you would.." He smiled.

"Alex, will you be my girlfriend?"

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