x {well hello darling}

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[well hello darling]

ava ran through the hospital panicked, she was late for rounds with the new doctor. what a great way to make a first impression. it wasn't entirely her fault though, first the roads were icy and traffic was heavy, then the elevator wasn't working so she had to run up the stairs, and then just to top it off she realized she forgot her stethoscope at home so she had to borrow halstead's extra one. as she half ran half walked, still trying to follow the hospitals no running unless you really really need to policy, she walked straight into what felt like a wall. it wasn't a wall. in fact it was a very tall, very, very attractive, dark haired man. she took a few steps back trying to regain her balance when she realized she had caused the man to spill his coffee all over himself and the floor.
her cheeks turned bright red and the pit of guilt in her stomach grew sevenfold.
"hey hey hey, it's alright, it's alright i'll just go put on another shirt, watch where you're going darling"
the mystery man said in a soft tone, cutting her off. he was talking to her like one would do to calm a skittish horse.
he then walked off. not another word said, leaving ava standing in the hallway both confused and embarrassed.
'who was that man?' she thought as she continued speed walking, this time being extra cautious of her surroundings. she had never seen that man before, maybe he was in a different specialty on a different floor, she put the thought of the mystery man out of her head as she veered around a corner, narrowly avoiding a patient in a wheelchair, coming to a stop at her destination. room 237. most of her fellow interns were already standing outside the room, reviewing their charts, waiting for the doctor to come and begin rounds.
she pulled out her chart and began skim reading until she heard a familiar voice,
"hey ava! have you heard there's a new doctor?"
april sexton, her best friend from the very start, through the long nights in med school and the painful break ups, those two were inseparable.
"yes! have you seen him?"
"not yet but i hear he's hot!!"

"hear who's hot?"
that voice was familiar. too familiar. she couldn't exactly pinpoint it, it was on the tip of her tongue.
then it hit her.
the man in the hallway.
the man in the hallway was the new attending
the one she has ran into and spilled coffee on was the new attending. oh no.
she turned around slowly, making eye contact with the man.
"well hello darling"

"hi all, my names connor rhodes and i'm the new attending. my apologies for being late, i had some, uh, matters to attend to" he announced, looking to ava when he voiced his excuse.

"shall we begin" he said with a clap.

once rounds were done april yanked ava into a deserted hallway.

"what was that?!"
"what was what april?"
"well hello darling" april mocked in a deep voice
"well you see i may or may not have ran into doctor rhodes earlier"
"oh so you know him already?"
"um you see, no. i mean i like physically ran into him. and spilt his coffee all over him"
"yeah yeah i know, way to make a good impression"
"what ever, he seems to like you. like more than an attending should like an intern"
april called walking away
"no he doesn't"
ava shouted back, blushing slightly

"yes he does"
she jumped at the all too familiar voice coming from behind her
"jeez, you scared me doctor rhodes"
"sorry darling, but yes i do like you"
"we haven't even had a proper conversation, how do you like me?"
"something about you entrances me"
"huh yeah okay" ava scoffed
"no seriously, i do like you"
"let me take you out"
"you're a resident, i'm your intern. this can't be a good idea"
"so? i've never been someone who liked the good ideas. cmon, one date, and if i'm all so bad, then we can keep it strictly professional"
"okay fine"
"great, how's saturday at 7?"
"yeah that works"
"okay great i'll pick you up. goodbye darling"
he said walking away
"bye doctor rhodes"
ava whispered under her breath.

did she just agree to a date with the hot new resident? this isn't gonna go well is it?!

hey babes! stay safe and healthy, drink some water!! if you have any requests or idea feel free to message me! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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