viii {stargazing}

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*over the phone*
"hey avey i have a surprise for you"
"what did you do this time connor? what are you making up for?"
"nothing, nothing, nothing. i promise. can't a guy ever take his girlfriend somewhere nice?"
"okay fine but where? what's happening?"
"now you see that i cannot tell you. i'll text you an address later, meet me there at 7"
"okayyyyy? but what do i wear?"
"anything. you look perfect in everything, princess"
"connor, actually what do i wear"
"okay umm. wear something nice. maybe that silver dress you have or something like that"
"okay. i love you"
"i love you too. don't be late"

{time skip to when ava arrives at the restaurant because i'm lazy}

ava pulled into the parking lot warily, she didn't really know this place and didn't see connor anywhere. she larked her car ever so carefully making sure she was well inside the lines and stepped out of the car trying not to topple over in her heels on the uneven asphalt. her eyes scanned the various cars going from row to row trying to find connors, she was close to giving up, thinking that connor has forgotten, when she spotted a fancy sports car, too fancy to fit in in this parking lot, it could only belong to one person-
"hey avey!"
ava gasped as she jumped a little. he had startled her, sneaking his behind her like that.
"you look gorgeous"
he said as he took her hand and twirled her around. a blush rose to her cheeks as she thanked him for the compliment and returned the favor gushing about how handsome he looked in his suit. connor led her inside to her favorite fancy restaurants and they had a nice, peaceful, relaxing meal, far far away from the chaos of the hospital. once their meals were finished and paid for the couple walked out of the restaurant full of joy.
"thank you for this connor, i had a wonderful night."
"so did i, but you didn't think it was over did you?"
he responded as he took a blindfold out from his back pocket
"connor what's happening"
"just trust me. get in my car and put this on, i want to bring you somewhere"

ava got in the car and put on the blindfold. the car ride to the destination was silent, but a peaceful kind of silent, and nice kind of silent. at the destination connor got out of the car and carefully led her out.
"can i take off my blindfold yet?"
"no not yet, one more minute of walking"
he replied as he steered her over the uneven path leading to the beach. unbeknownst to ava, connor had set up a little spot in the sand with a picnic blanket and some chocolate covered strawberries with champagne.
as the path dispersed into sand and both the ocean and the picnic plan key laid out were visible from where she was standing, connor decided it would be a good time to let her see.
"okay you can take your blindfold off now"
ava slowly removed the blindfold, seeing absolutely nothing in the dark world at first, however once her eyes had time to adjust she realized where they were.
"you did this for me?!"
ava asked, both surprised and overjoyed
connor just nodded in response
"thank you"
"anything princess"
she dove into him and engulfed him in a bear hug. the rest of that night was spent sitting with their feet in the sand, staring up at the stars, eating chocolate covered strawberries and drinking champagne, splashing around in the ocean in their fancy attire and just spending some quality time together.

hey babes! i'm back! i tried out a new thing with the chapter before, do you guys like it/those kinds of chapters or would you rather prefer more plot based chapters? if you want something specific you can always request it!
stay safe and healthy xx

rhekker oneshots || ava bekker x connor rhodes - chicago medWhere stories live. Discover now