iii {date night}

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[date night]

Ava's POV

Today Connor is taking me on a date. I'm excited to do something fancy and calming away from work.

First, we are going to some fancy restaurant that Connor chose, after that we are watching a movie that is still a mystery to me. The only hints I got is that it's supposedly some medical movie he chose for us to contradict and laugh at.

I didn't really want to do this at first, I'm not the biggest romanticist nor did I feel like getting dressed up today but my boyfriend is a very skilled convincer. (a/n is that a word?)

I stood looking at myself in the full-length mirror in our room, the silver dress I was wearing came to my mid-thigh and hugged my body tightly. I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist.

"You look stunning, Avey" Connor whispered in my ear, he trailed kisses from my ear down to my collarbone.

"Thank you, Conny."



"Don't call me Conny,"

"Whyyyy, you call me Avey. Conny is cute,"

"That's why, it's too cutesy,"

"Fine my Cowboy"

"Now that I can tolerate." He said under his breath. A smirk plastered on his face as he walked away.

"Be ready in ten lovey!" He shouted from the kitchen.

Huh, lovey, that's a new one, hasn't called me that before, he must be feeling quite romantic. I rummaged through our shared closet, mostly mine but still shared, a picked out a pair of strappy silver heels (a/n apparently that's a type of heels?)

When I turned around Connor was stood at the door gawking.

"What are you looking at lover boy?"

He didn't reply but instead strode over, placed his hands on my waist, and set a tender yet passion-filled kiss on lips.

"Shall we get going?" He asked huskily, holding out his arm to me. I linked my arm through his and we walked to his car. He had chosen the 'fancy rich person' car as I endearingly call it, I would never admit it but I had a love for that car. He guided me towards the passenger side and opened the door.

"What a gentleman, thank you." I giggled

"You're adorable" I blushed lightly,

He hopped into the drivers' side and we sped off.

Third-person/No POV

"I'll have a Lamb loin and Fennel genoise please," Connor ordered. Ava stared at the menu flabbergasted, it was all so fancy.

"And you Mrs. Rhodes?"

Huh, Mrs. Rhodes, it sounded like it fit, Ava thought to herself.

"Um I guess I'll have the same," she replied unsure of what she was even ordering.

"Really Avey? But you don't like the texture of peas, and you like purees even less. You don't know what your ordering do you?" Connor chuckled.

"No, not exactly..." she responded shyly.

"How 'bout I order for you? I promise I'll order something I know you like?" Connor offered.


"And one Tomato consomme and Smoked ricotta tortellini please," Connor ordered.

"Thank you" The two chorused as the waiter walked away.

Time skip until their food arrived

The two dug into their food, talked, laughed, drank wine and smiled until their faces hurt. Once back in the comfort of their home they both changed into their pj's (a/n I would actually spell it but I don't want to anger anyone) and laid in bed.

"Thank you, Connor. Tonight was perfect." Ava said gazing into his eyes lovingly.

"Other than the part where you couldn't figure out any of the dishes," Connor let out a small laugh.

"Shut up"

"I love you, Avey"

"I love you too, my Cowboy"

They drifted off into a peaceful slumber, Ava cuddled into Connor, his arms around her like a protective safety net that would never let go.

So I made up a bunch of personal details in this 'cause I don't know what ava would eat at a fancy restaurant. Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

- darkthornedrose xx

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