iv {trauma}

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This piece of writing contains sexual assault. If this is a trigger for you or you are not comfortable reading this please don't read it.




Ava's POV
The music was deafening, strobe lights blinded me. Why did I agree to go out again? Connor was off talking with will somewhere and the girls were probably on the dance floor, I wanted to be back in our apartment asleep. I walked to the bar to get another drink, I knew I wasn't going to have fun, but at least I could try.

Once I got my drink I proceeded to escape to a tiny corner and drown my sorrows in alcohol. I was people watching, when I felt a hand on my butt. The tall figure towered over me and pinned me to the wall.
"Hey princess, you're hot, let's go have some fun." His words were slurred, he was obviously drunk. He grabbed my hand, covered my mouth and dragged me what seemed like a janitor's closet. He took a step closer so our bodies were touching, he brought his face too close to mine, his breath smelled like whisky and beer.
"P-p-please leave me alone." I whimpered trying to push him off me.
"No no no, not yet baby, I'm gonna have fun with you."
His hand trailed down the side of my dress and stopped at my thighs.
"No, please" I whispered. His hand slipped underneath my dress.
I gasped.
"HELP! HELP!" I tried shouting, I knew it wouldn't help, the music was too loud.
"Ava, Avey? Where are you?" Connor shouted from outside.
The man shoved his hand against my mouth. I prayed Connor had heard my screams.

The door burst open and there stood my cowboy.

The man jumped away from me, I broke down sobbing and curled us into a ball.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I heard Connor shout.
The sounds of fists colliding with bones were the only sound I heard for what seemed like an eternity.

No one/Third person POV
Connor's arms wrapped around Ava.
"Shhhh, Avey you're safe now," he whispered into her ear while rubbing her back soothingly. Connor lifted her from the floor ever so gently carried her out of the club, Ava continued to sob into Connor's shoulder, her arms tightening around his neck whenever someone would walk past.

He somehow managed, with a little trouble, to pull his car keys from his back pocket and open his SUV. He placed Ava into the back row of seats and got in with her.

He scooped her onto his lap and held her close. He wrapped his arms around her creating a little chamber of protection. Ava's sobs had died down into the occasional whimper that was muffled by the now tear-stained shirt Connor had on.

Her grip on Connor's shirt had relaxed slightly, when he looked down he saw her asleep. Connor picked Ava up with immense caution, trying not to wake his sleeping beauty, and placed her in the passenger side. He hopped into the driver's side and sped home, eager to make sure Ava was okay and to get the man who hurt her in jail.


Connor's POV

I sat in bed thinking, Ava was asleep beside me, I had just gotten off the phone with my lawyers. Legal action was being pursued against that man. Now all that was left to do is make sure Ava is okay. Mentally and physically. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Ava whimper. I pulled her close to me.

"Hey Avey, are you hurt anywhere?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

"Not much, I guess being drunk is a good thing sometimes" she tried to joke.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, it'll all be okay. This man is going to jail and we are going to go see a therapist. You may not remember what happened but it was still a traumatic experience. We will get through this. Together."

Hey guys, this is kinda a dark one so if you made it to here great. I'll have a Halloween oneshot up later today. (For me its already November 1st but I don't care.)

- darkthornedrose xx

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