vi {stressed out}

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[stressed out]

Third Person POV
Today was not Ava Bekker's day. She slept through her alarm and was late to work, meaning she didn't have time to make her morning coffee, A car accident had caused a mass of people in the ER and one of her patients had coded, she managed to revive him but the day was just beginning and she knew things were just going to get worse. She still hadn't had time to get a cup of coffee or have a break, she was exhausted. Ava walked out of the bay she was in, stripped herself of her gloves and flopped down on the couch in the staff lounge. Maybe, just maybe, she could sneak in a little nap. Her eyes started dropping and everything around her slowly started to be consumed by blackness but before it could be she heard her boyfriend's voice.

Ava's POV
"Avey? You good?"
Ugh he can be so annoying, can't I just take a nap.
"What. Do. You. Want. Connor?" I asked obviously irritated (I mean in my defense I was so close to sleeping and he just had to come in and ruin it)
"Um okay miss cranky pants, Maggie just paged you." He replied sitting on the couch next to me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I haven't had a break all morning nor have I had coffee" I said softly getting up and heading towards the door.
"How 'bout on your next break we go down to the cafeteria and get some coffee?"
"I would love that, thank you Connor"
"See you in a bit" he said as I walked sluggishly out of the staff room towards Maggie.
*time skip to lunch break/when things calmed down*
Third Person POV
Ava made her way back into the staff lounge to find her boyfriend waiting for her with a cup of coffee and a doughnut.
"Just what I needed, thank you"
"It's nothing, you deserve it for all the work you've been doing Avey"
Ava cuddled into Connor on the couch and the two sipped their coffee and ate their food in peace. Who are we kidding there's no peace in an ED, Connor and Ava were both paged a few moments later and unfortunately had to abandon their semi drank coffee and half eaten bagels in order to save some lives. As Connor hurried off into a bay containing a sickly child he turned to Ava and shouted "my place 8 o'clock"
"Okay see you there"
*Connor's place*
Third Person POV
The two love birds curled up in the leather couch, Ava tucked snugly under Connor's arm, her head on his chest. They were snug and warm underneath the large, white, fleece blanket. Empty wine glasses and a half eaten popcorn bowl was left on the marble coffee table in front of them, along with a sweetly scented candle. The fireplace was lit and the two started to drift off to the soundtrack of The Titanic.

Hope you enjoyed! The ending didn't exactly turn out how I wanted as my original ending didn't save so I had to re-write it. anyways thanks for reading
- darkthornedrose xx

rhekker oneshots || ava bekker x connor rhodes - chicago medWhere stories live. Discover now