Chapter 1

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First of all, I just wanna thank you guys. I mean, I only put the prologue out there last night at 12:00! And I already have like 40 something views. 🥳 I'm just gonna go buy a cake to celebrate now.

Marinette's POV

Lila. When I picture a she-devil, all I see is her face. Lila is a pathological liar. When I was sent here to retrieve the miraculouses, I was told not to get too attached to my peers. But sadly, I grew somewhat close to one person. Alya Cesare. I should have listened to the Guardians and my boyfriend, but I didn't and we grew closer as time went on. Then, Lila showed up and took all of my friends away, including her. Actually, Alya turned into her right hand man...or woman. Now, Lila calls her, her best friend. What really stings, is how they bully me. It doesn't really hurt when other people insult me or hit me, but hurts a lot. I've tried to block it all out, but it never works.

Nino and Adrien were my friends too, but I wasn't that close to them. And even if I was, it would've just been an act. Same with the class. Right before Lila came, I was debating if I should tell Alya my real name. Yes, I go by a different name, just for precaution. Sarah Mason.

Now, I'm going to tell you about the three friends I do have. Chloe Bourgeois. Kagami Tsurugi. Luka Couffaine. Chloe Bourgeois is my best friend. She is like Alya used to be but better. I don't know what I'd do if she left me too. When Alya betrayed me, I was heartbroken, then Chloe came along, and she understood how much that hurt me because she also lost her best friend. Sabrina Rancomprix. I'm still mad at myself for trusting Chloe. She might betray me, just like Alya. But I can't bring myself to break my friendship off with her, Kagami, and Luka. Not that I want to, it's just, I'd have to leave again. When I defeated Hawkmoth, that is.

That was my mission after all. This whole life that I built was just a mission. And I've been at it for years. Just recently, I gave Chloe the Bee miraculous. It took about five minutes to collect, but I was able to safely give it too her. She doesn't know it was me, but I will tell her tomorrow on patrol. I've been planning to, rehearsing the lines of what I'm going to say and everything. I'm waiting for the next akuma, because I had an idea.

If Tikki could make a small tracking chip to put on butterflies, I could put it on one, and it could lead us to Hawkmoth.

Time Skip to the Next Day on Patrol

"Queen," I said. Chloe turned her head to look at me. "If I tell you who I am, will you not tell anyone?" I asked.

Right then, her whole body turned to me, her eyes wide. "What?" She asked. "Um, y-yeah."

"Well, the reason I gave you the Bee miraculous, is because I've known you for a while in my civilian form. We're friends actually." She looked at me, her eyes sparkling in anticipation. "I'm Sarah," I said.

"What?!" She shrieked.

That was just the reaction I was prepared for. That's why I told her at the top of the Eiffel Tower, so no one would hear. "Yeah," I said rubbing the back of my neck. This was harder to say in front of her, than in front of my mirror.

"So that's why you kept leaving during the akumas! Oh, and why you were never where I left you to be safe! It's because your Ladybug!" I smiled and nodded.

"It's really a wonder you've never figured it out." Chloe giggled.



"And this is why we go on patrol," I murmured to myself.

Time Skip

We had just taken care of the akuma, and I put my plan to action. I got the little micro-chip that Tikki made, and put it on the butterfly's left wing. It fluttered away as me and Chloe just watched. "What did you do?" she asked me.

"I put a tracker on it's wing," I whispered so the butterfly couldn't hear. Hey! I'm not crazy, just taking precaution! "Oh, and there is another thing I want to tell you," I blurted out, but didn't mean to. "Of course I said that out loud," I said. "Crap."

Chloe chuckled, "What?"

"Um, I guess I have no choice," I sighed, "I'll come to your place." Chloe nodded, and yo-yoed over to the Bourgeois Hotel.

I dealt with the reporters, answering questions because I didn't want to ruin my image. I didn't want to be rude. The stupidest question, you ask? Well, one of them asked me if I got bitten by a radioactive Ladybug. I didn't recognize her face though.

Another Time Skip- I'm sorry about all of the time skips

I swung right through the door, and dropped my transformation. Chloe froze in her tracks once she saw me. "OMG! I'm sorry for scaring you."

"It's okay, Sarah," she said. I smiled. I was about to tell her that wasn't my name. 'That's not my name,' I said in my head. "So, what are you going to tell me."

"Ok, first of all, I thought you were going to have a way different reaction-"

"Stop stalling. I know you better than you know yourself."

"I doubt that," I mumbled, but she could still hear. She cocked her head to the side. "Well, you know, like I was adopted?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, I wasn't, but Tom and Sabine think the opposite." She still looked confused, I wouldn't blame her. I didn't really give her anything to go off of. "Ok, the only reason I'm telling you this, is because I think you deserve an explanation for why I will be missing. How about you guess the most crazy things possible about where I could've come from, and I'll tell you if your right or not," I said, not like a question, but like a statement so she couldn't say no.

"Hm..." she thought. "Did you..." she drifted off. "I don't know! I'm not as smart as you." I gave her a look. ", you grew up in the woods and you were raised by wolves?" I was amazed of how calm she said that.

I chuckled, "Crazier."

She raised an eyebrow. "Your a spy or something?"

"Close. So...what do spies do?" I prompted.

"I don't know! Spy on people? Go on weird missions?"

"Yes. I mean, the second one."

"Wait, your on a mission? Wait, for how long? Wait, your a spy?"

I chuckled again, "I'm not a spy, but I'm on a mission. Actually, I have been for years."

"I guess your not a very good spy then. First, you are at it for years, then you tell me about it."

I smiled, "Yeah, but I'm not a spy, Chloe. Also, 'Sarah' isn't"

"Woah, woah, woah, WHAT?" She shrieked. "What's your real name then?"

"Marinette Fu," I said.

"And your sure your not a spy?"

"I'm sure," I chuckled.

"Do you work for a secret organization?"

"Yes, but-"

"Can you fight like a badass?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Do you wear cool clothing when your training?"

"I mean-"

"Yep, you're a spy." I facepalmed.

"Chloe, you are so...."

"Amazing? Beautiful? Utterly Glorious?"

"I don't think they have the word," I said.

"Ok, now I need to know....what is your mission?" She asked curiously.

"I'm supposed to retrieve the two lost miraculouses. The Butterfly and the Peacock."

"So....what is your secret organization called?"

"The Order of the Miraculous..." I said quietly, just making sure no one could hear me except Chloe.

"Ok, well, do you wanna stay over?"

"Sure," I said hesitantly. And the rest of the night was filled with laughter from Chloe and I. But I have to stay, not all of mine was legitimate. I was wondering what Tom and Sabine were going to say about my sudden disappearance. You see, they were some of the idiots to believe Lila's lies....

Word Count: 1390

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