Chapter 11

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HEY EVERYONE, I'm sorry I took such a long break. I have a question. I want to do a totally different crossover that has WAY too many universes in it, and I want to know if you guys would actually read it. It's Percy Jackson x Miraculous x Harry Potter x a little bit of DC because I totally ship Daminette. And I'm planning on making the book like REALLY long soooo... Anyway, I know that you guys probably aren't the happiest with me because I took such a long break, but I'm back now. I'm going to stop typing and just write some of the story down now. Hehe

I woke up in my bed at the Order with a knife to my throat, the silver biting into my neck. As usual, I kicked the guy's butt and brought him to my grandfather. It was an assassin come to take me and my grandfather out. Nothing I wasn't used to. You'd think that we would have better security here, for some reason, Grandfather thinks the lack of it with help with 'training.'

I went back to my room to read Percy Jackson because I'm too much like the author of the world I'm in. I agree with her, it is an amazing series. (A/N: FYI, I'm kind of obsessed with Percy Jackson stuff.)

I don't want to go anywhere today, I embarrassed myself in front of you-know-who, and I want to be alone. Maybe I'll learn another language don't I know? I don't know Ancient Greek, I'll just teach myself that even though I know no one who speaks it. Why not?

While I was studying all of the symbols, my grandfather came into my quarters. "Greetings, Marinette. I thought you would be with that friend of yours- what are you reading?" He asked me.

I held up the book, "I'm trying to learn Greek," I said miserably. "What about you?"

"I came to check on you."

"I thought you said you thought I was-"

"I had to have some excuse, didn't I? Plus, I know everything and you know it."

I put a bookmark in the book and set it down beside me. "Yes, you're right."

He came over and sat down on the mattress. This was the moment I realized he was going to start advising me in some form that doesn't make sense...but instead, he said, "You should go talk to him."

"I know. He should at least know who I am-"

"Not Clark," he said quickly. "Damian. You should talk to him. I know life has been hard on you recently," he calmly spoke, "but he is probably feeling neglected. He and his family aren't that close and you and Jon are the only people he has. Actually, he is most likely afraid that if he opens up to his family, they will make fun of him. You two are the only people he can talk to."

My eyes suddenly widened. Fu only spoke the truth, and I felt horrible about it. This was the first time in a very long time that my thoughts had not been about Dami. And now, I realize I had been a terrible person- a terrible friend. "I.." I started but couldn't find the words. "I think I should go."

Grandfather smiled and excused me with a nod. I opened a portal for me to fit through, and stepped into it. All I could think about was how Damian could be feeling right now.

On the other side was Damian's room, but no Damian. I mean, you can't expect him to be in his room all day. I peeked out the entrance to find no one in the hallway. I tip-toed through the hall, carefully not to make any noise. I remembered where the art room was because Damian always made me pose for portraits every once and a while. I made my way there. It seemed like a place he would be.

When I arrived, I found him painting a very complex version of the logo of the Order of the Miraculous. He is a very talented artist. "Hello, mon Demon."

He turned around and gave me a large smile. "Hey, Angel," he said in a hushed tone. "My family is all down stairs having family day. I was able to evade them before they could notice, so try to stay quiet." I nodded and walked over to the painting.

"Wow..." I say looking in wonder. "I will never understand how you are able to do that."

"It's not that hard- let me show you."

TIME SKIP- After the most romantic moment in the book that I most likely will never edit in here

About twenty minutes later, we we were done with the painting. I looked over, "I'm sorry."

Damian raised an eyebrow, "For what?"

"For ignoring you so much recently. I was just so worried about everything that's been happening."

"You don't give me much credit do you? I understand that your mind is focused on other things at the moment. It's fine, I'm not mad at you. I couldn't be mad at you." He then hugged me and I was happy that we were ok. Then we walked over to the kitchen, where I like to make my famous croissants and eat them with the best person in the world.

When we arrived, Damian turned around at the doorway, and put a finger to his lips. "Shh, they're in there," he whispered.

"Master Damian and Miss. Marinette. I'm glad you could join us," said Alfred as I mentally cringed. We slowly walked out from behind the door and stood there awkwardly.

"UNCLE DAMI!" cried Mar'i as she ran into Damian's arms. I could tell he was trying to fight a smile in front of his family, but was miserably failing in my opinion. "Whose your friend?"

"Yeah, Uncle Dami. Whose your friend?" Smirked a very smug Jason, Tim and Dick behind him confused. Surprisingly, Alfred wore the same expression as Jason.

Word Count: 1008

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