Chapter 4

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Ok, so, I know most of you are Daminette shippers, and so am I. Honestly, I REALLY don't like Adrinette as much as I used to. But this is hilarious. You guys should SO read it.

Damian's POV (from earlier)

Marinette stepped through the portal quickly, and I was so happy she did it in time. "DEMON-SPAWN! WHO YOU HAVE IN THERE?!" Todd screams.

I scoff, "Tt. No one." He then knocks the door down, and comes in.

"So you were....talking to yourself?" he asked puzzled. "OH OH OH! I know!" Todd says, looking at Grayson. "She's your girlfriend, and she is like...really good at parkcor and stuff, and she jumped out your window just before we came in here!"

"Lil'D....We know you have a secret girlfriend. We've been spying on you guys for months!" Grayson says, right before Drake puts his hand over his mouth.

I calmly walk over to my bed, and reach below it. I grab my long katana that I had just sharpened, and brought it out. The three of the grown men were frozen in fear, then they broke off into a sprint. "Come back here, cowards!" I scream.

Too soon, Alfred stopped me. He was with Father, and that made me drop my weapon then and there. "Father, I need to talk to you...." I then look over to my brothers, "Without the imbeciles."

And so! Alfred herded the three out, and watched the door just in case they were listening in. I told Father about everything, and about the past few years of Marinette teleporting in and out of this place. He seemed skeptical at first, but I had Alfred to back me up. Obviously, he knew everything, so he could tell the truth. Him and I explained what miraculouses were to him, and he even agreed to help me get Marinette out of jail. And I'm not going to stop until I prove who kidnapped Lila Rossi. Even if she was the one to run away to frame Marinette. I will find out.

Marinette's POV

Ok, so, Sass sat down at my table and we talked. Don't judge me! I thought, well, if I'm going to have to be in here, why not try to make a few friends? Wouldn't you do the same? I also found out that Sass was also wrongly convicted too. She has to spend the rest of her life in here because she was framed for murder when she was seven. SEVEN! Why would someone think a seven-year-old killed somebody! She was just at the crime scene at the time, and her fingerprints were on the knife. It was her mother that had died. It was actually a tragic story. She's sixteen too, and most of the people in her gang are also. I feel really bad for her.

"So did you have any friends back home?"

"Yeah, Chloe is my best friend. Chloe Bourgeois."

"Mayor's daughter, right? I thought she was a brat?"

"Used to be. But then we were both singled out by our school, and we became best friends. She started being nice to people since she realized what it felt like...and well, I think you get it."

" boyfriend?" She wiggled her eyebrows, and I just blushed.

"Yeah, but no one knows about our relationship. We've been dating since...actually, I don't even remember. He doesn't even live in Paris, never has. Did you?"

"I was seven."

"Oh, right. Sorry." She started to laugh and I joined in. After a few seconds, I said, "I'm kind of surprised I found a friend in this place. I didn't think I was going to."

She smiled, "Yeah, me too. There's actually a lot of people here that were wrongly accused."

I frowned, "It's really sad," I murmured. "Who are some of the people that did do stuff?"

I didn't really word it right, but she knew what I meant, "Over there is Chuck. Tried to kill his sister," she said pointing to a boy. "That's Sam. She was shoplifting. Ran from the police and threw garbage at them when they cut her off in an alley. She's pretty nice, just misunderstood. I tried to be friends with her once, but she tried to punch me. I backed off and just kept bothering other people. Being a queen type figure for my kingdom here," she said in a funny, British accent.

I burst out laughing, and she looked confused. "S-sorry. *laugh* Sorry. It's just, Chloe used to call herself the queen of everything and called everyone else her servants. Well, except this one boy at our school that she liked. Doesn't anymore. He turned out to be a jerk."

"Who was he?"

"Adrien Agreste," I said.

"Oh, that rich model? Yeah, he is a jerk."

"Wait, what?"

"He said once that all of the "criminals" here should not be here, but in the real prison."

"Sounds like him..." I drifted off. "He almost made it so I couldn't walk again," I blurted out, without thinking. She looked at me with questioning eyes, "Pushed me down about three flights of stairs. Doctor said if I would've landed an inch a different way, I wouldn't have been able to walk again."

"No way," she said, gaping.

"Yeah...but he didn't used to be like that though. He used to help everyone, and basically be one of the nicest people on the earth. But then, Lila Rossi- the girl that went missing- came. She turned everyone against me with lies."

"So Adrien fell for the lies?"

"No, he was one of the few people to know the truth! He just wanted to fit in with the crowd. Not get singled out." Sass rolled her eyes.

She was about to say something else, but a guy came from behind us and said, "Sarah, you got a visitor." Sass gave me a pat on the back, while the guys just glared at her. Then, he noticed that neither of us had handcuffs on. "Hey, where are your-"

"Don't even bother putting more on us. I taught her how to take them off while eating, we'll just take them back off." The guy sighed, and lead me to a different room. Sadly, to get into that room you had to go through a metal detector. The miraculouses inside of me would most likely make the sensor beep. The whole time I've had to go through this process, I haven't ran into ONE metal detector. NOT ONE! Now, here it is.

I hesitantly walk through, and the man notices. I make sure he can't sense my uneasiness, and he makes me walk through it again, most likely thinking there is something wrong with the machine. I do, and his eyebrows forrow, and I start to mentally panic. Then, he gets one of those hand-held metal detectors, and I hold out my arms. He stops it, right around where my heart is, and I want to scream.

"Give it to me," he says.


"Don't act dumb. The knife."

"I don't have one, but I did have a surgery when I was really young, and they had to put metal things in my chest. I don't even know what it was for," I say in my most convincing voice. He seems to believe me, and I pass.

When I saw who it was, I wanted to die right then and there.

Word Count: 1250

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