Chapter 6

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Ok, so I just read a NinoxMarinette fanfic, and I have no words. I didn't know anyone shipped them together. I read it and I kind of like it. I LOVE Daminette, I mean, it's meh favorite ship! Anyway, I was surprised that I liked it. I had that feeling, when I realized that I shipped Daminette more than Adrinette. I still ship Daminette more obviously, but I can tolerate Ninonette. And  I don't know why I'm typing this out, but....idk. Anyway!

I woke up, my neck stiff from not being able to sleep on that bed properly. The only reason I woke up, was because the lights flipped on. Now I have a headache, so I buried my head into the pillow. "Wake up, Number 4587, beautiful morning." (A/N: Ok, I had to. IF you know what that is, good for you. If you don't, well...that's sad.)

I wanted to scream at the man to shut up because I wanted to be left alone. Luckily, he did. Tikki was asleep on my pillow, but she woke up when the man screamed into the door. "Good morning, Marinette. You're going to be getting out today!"

"Good morning. Yeah, even having to be in this place for a day has made me want to leave." Tikki smiled and floated to the door.

"I'm  pretty sure Plagg is in the kitchen again. Do you want me to go get him?" I nodded and she fazed out the door. Not long after, I was met with two kwamis. One was whining because the other made them leave his precious Camembert.

"Don't worry, Plagg. When we leave, I'll get you some of your cheese."

"You are the best person ever, Blueberrrrrry," he said.

"Yeah, I know." Then I heard one of the other guards about to come in, "Hide," I said. They did as told, and....Sass came in. "What are you doing here?" I asked. Then my eyes got wide, "If they catch you, you'll be in trouble!"

"Yeah, yeah. I heard some people saying that they were going to release you today. I wanted to say bye 'cause they don't ever give anyone any notice. They just disappear, and everyone else is sad they didn't get to say goodbye."

I was surprised by her rambling. "Oh, thanks." She come to hug me, and I hug back. Then I feel a sharp pain in my back. She backs away from me, and I feel where it hurt. When I looked back at my hand, it was bloody. "S-Sass...?"

She stabbed me.

Then, she just left for the door, shutting it behind her. Tikki and Plagg came out, "I can heal it!" she said. I fell to the floor, not really able to stand up. The blood was surrounding me. I felt my wound sealing up and I hissed in pain. "There's something wrong.....poison! Where did she get poison?!"

"I can help with that part. I can get rid of the poison," Plagg said as he did so. That also hurt too, but in a different way. It felt as if it were burning. I hissed again, but was able to set up.

"Ow," I said as I looked at Tikki and Plagg. "We need to clean this up," I said as I used my powers to make all of the blood evaparate.

"Ow? That's all you have to say? OW?!" He said, and it looked like he was about to go kill Sass.

"Don't get me in trouble guys. I want to leave." Plagg just grumbled, while Tikki just sat on my shoulder. "Maybe she did kill her mom when she was seven..." I said, kind of rethinking things. The reason I wasn't really fazed my this, is because this happens all of the time at the Order, and I was REALLY young when it would happen.

About five minutes later, I heard another knock on the door. This time I was ready, but it wasn't one of the inmates. It was a guard. Luckily, I had already cleaned up all of the blood that escaped from me to the floor. "Come on. You were proved to be innocent, let's go." Tikki and Plagg swiftly went to their proper places, and I followed the man out. "Congrats. Don't tell anyone, but I thought you were innocent all along, but I didn't have any evidence."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Welcome. I'm sorry about you having to be in here."

I smiled again, "It's not like you put me in here." I was acting friendly, but made sure to keep my distance because the last person to act nice like this....well, you know what happened. Soon, we made it to the exit, where he let me go free. No one was there waiting for me, I mean, why would there be? Chloe was the only person that would probably show up, and we said good-bye last night.

I walked out, and smelt the pleasant breeze. Now for my cover story, as to why I will be leaving. Maybe I could just say that I got sick, and I had to go to the other side of the world for treatment? Yeah, that'd be something people would believe. Now to write my fake doctors note. Good thing I took those forgery class back at the Order.

After I snuck into the school to drop the letter in the mailbox, I created a portal that leads to the Order. There, Grandfather was at the other side. He held the special "ceremony" for people who completed their extremely difficult missions, but it's actually a party. There have only been about five in the whole existence of the Order, including mine. I was extremely happy I was able to celebrate with my friends from the Order. Most of them are all older than me, but that's only because I am in the extremely advanced classes. Grandfather told me that they are only holding me back from my true potential. I told him I wanted to have friends and not isolate myself, and he respected my choice.

I was happy about that, but I do wish the classes were just a bit more brutal. And brutal is the exact word I want to describe it as. I want the classes to be...somewhat more violent. Not because I want to get hurt, but because I want to be ready for the real world. We aren't as 'hands-on' as  I would like to be.

And now that I don't get to really be Ladybug anymore (other than training of course), there's no where I can really go for that. Though, I could go to Damian, but he always holds back, not wanting to hurt me. that his brothers know about me....

I don't know. But maybe I could fight mother.

Who's Marinette's mother? Do you know? Nope? Well, see in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1130

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