17. Chad

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For the rest of the night, Cameron cuddled with Nash, trying to get him to calm down -which he did eventually- and telling him everything would be alright. Although, it probably wouldn't be.

Cameron couldn't possibly stop Chad from taking Nash, he was his father for gods sake.

Many stupid ideas popped into Cameron's head, maybe they could change their names and move to Switzerland, maybe Cameron he could organise an army of fans to stop Chad, maybe just maybe, or not.

Nash had no idea what he would do. Chad could knock on their door at any time now as it only took two hours to fly to From North Carolina to LA and it had been well over two hours since that call.

Both boys hadn't been on any social media since, so when Cameron opened his phone to order a pizza. It wasn't unexpected to see his Twitter mentions blowing up. He decided he would look to see what people were saying. He would not show Nash of corse.

To Cameron's surprise, Twitter was not filled with hate, yeah a few rude comments but probably over 80% of the fans seemed to support Nash and his decisions, even if they didn't know it was totally true yet.

This put Cameron in a slightly happier mood. He really did love his fans, after all he would have gone no where without them. But at times like these he really appreciated them.

Looking up at the time he sighed. 10 PM wasn't a very thoughtful time to be ordering pizza. He decided he wasn't very hungry and seeing Nash asleep he didn't bother to eat. Cameron pulled Nash a bit closer to him so they were spooning. He soon fell into a deep sleep.

* * *

"Cameron. Cameron!" Nash whisper shouted to the sleeping man, slightly shaking him. Cameron opened his eyes and was met with Nash's blue ones. He smiled because Nash was the cutest. Although when he saw Nash's facial expression the smile went away. Nash look panicked and scared, there was a reason for that, a reason that was knocking on their front door.

"Cam, my dads at the door, he's yelling, I-I don't know what to do." Nash's eyes went glassy, Cameron pulled him into a hug before whispering something sweet that made Nash blush and then we got up out of the bed and to the front door.

Cameron took a few deep breaths before looking through the peep hole. It was Chad. He looked angry and was frantically knocking on the door. Then he started yelling again.

Cameron wasn't listening to Chad though. He was caught up in his own little world, thinking of excuses. Nothing. He could think of nothing.

He decided to open the door, hoping something would come to him. Phew reached for the handle, slightly shaking and twisted it. He pulled it open.

"Where's Nash?!" Chad demanded to know.

"Uhhm. He's not here?" Much to Cameron's dismay, his answer came out more as a question. And Chad knew that as well. He pushed past Cameron and walked into their apartment, only to find Nash behind the wall, watching what was going on.

Chad grabbed his arm and Nash whimpered at the harsh contact.

"You are coming with me!" Chad yelled and dragged Nash out the door with Cameron running behind.


A/N HEY! It's been a while I'm sorry.

Ok guys i need your help. Im going to end this book soon (in the next two to three chapters) and I need help on how to end it. I have no ideas. So please help me.

Also, I'm going to Western Australia for the first time on Monday, so I won't be able to update until the 25th or 26th when I get back. Although if I'm not super busy (which I most likely won't be) I'll write. I'm gonna try to get the character ask done as well :)

Thanks from Aisha.

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