16. Nicole, my father and my career. Part two.

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(A/N there's so much dialogue I'm sorry (lol but when isn't there heaps of dialogue in my chapters?) oh and here's a transparent cameron for u)

A few hours later I found a video on Instagram that made a sinking feeling in my stomach.

It was the video that I tried so hard to get rid of.

I was feeling so many mixed emotions: anger, resentment, angst. I clicked play on the video again.

'Why can't you love me back Cameron!' You could hear the faint yell before Nicole opened the door and reviled a flustered and nervous me.

As I watched the rest of the video I realised that I couldn't get out of this one, no one would believe me if I said it was one big joke.

I sat up on my bed as a few tears came out of my eyes. My dad will see this, he'll probably disown me. The fans will hate me. I'm so done.

What will happen to me? Will Cameron still like me? Do I have to tell Cameron this? I better not, he'll get stressed.

I sat on my bed anxiously thinking of how I could get myself out of this mess. I couldn't lie to the fans, there's gotta be some who wouldn't hate me, but they would if I lied. What would I say to my father when he eventually sees it and calls? He's my manager, he could drop me and take everything I ever worked for.

I heard the shower turn off. Cameron would soon check his phone, open up Instagram and see the video. He would either get made at me or comfort me. I waited for him to walk into my room and confront me about the video. But he never did.

I got bored of waiting and wiped the tears away before going to find Cameron. He was in the kitchen eating some toast. I put my phone down on the couch as I walked up to him.

"Hey Nash." He smiled at me. I was a bit relieved when he didn't mention the video, hopefully he hadn't seen it yet.

"Hey Cam." I forced a smile. "How was your nap?" I felt really tense and my chest felt heavy.

"Splendid." He said and took a bite of the Nutella covered cooked bread.

"Hey you remember how Nicole took that video of me and stuff." My voice was shaky.

"Yeah, the one you told me about? The one in Chicago or something?" He said, I nodded.

"Yeah that one." I was nervous, should I tell him (or nah).

"What about it?" He had his eyebrows raised, he had a little bit of Nutella on his top lip, it made me think about kissing him.

"Well, I-I just hope she doesn't post it." I felt guilty about lying but thinking about kissing him made me think 'if I told him, I might never get to kiss him again'.

"It's okay Nashy, she won't her phones broken remember?" He smiled and walked over to me and gave me a hug. I shut my eyes and put my head in his shoulder, savouring the moment.

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk." I told Cameron and grabbed my phone off the counter behind us.

"Do you want me to come?" He asked as his arms, as well as his warmth, left my body.

"I think I'll just go alone, sorry." I told him.

"Its fine." He smiled and pecked my lips before I left. The small kiss was enough to put a smile on my face as I left the big apartment.

I walked for a while, the fresh air was good, it was dusk, so it wasn't dark, which was also good, I didn't like walking alone at night, although sometimes that was also calming.

I reach into my pocket for my phone, deciding I would see if any of the fans actually cared for me anymore, on Twitter. I glanced at the screen to see it wasn't cracked, which was confusing because last time I checked it was. I clicked the home button and saw a picture of Cam and I, but not the same one that was set on my background, which confused me even more.

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as I put my password in. It didn't work. I tried it until it was locked for a minute. Then I realised that the phone in my hands was not mine, it was Cameron's. I panicked and started running home.

Cameron's POV

I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. Austin and Ally was on so I decided to watch it. Minutes later I was already bored so I grabbed my phone, which was on the couch next to me. But before I could enter the password someone called. Chad.

"Hey Chad." I said in a cheery tone.

"Cameron? Where's my son?" He wasn't as cheery as me, more angry.

"Nash went for a walk." I told him.

"I hope he get hit by a car." I heard him mumble.


"You tell him that I am coming to pick him up tomorrow morning, tell him to have everything packed." At this point I was confused.

"What? Why? Where is he going?" I was clueless.

"You didn't see the video? Cameron, your living with a fag. I'm sending him away, to a reform school, to turn him back to normal." Chad snickered over the phone, it was disgusting and I immediately hung up.

Suddenly an exhausted Nash came through the door. H saw the phone in my hand and sent me sad eyes.

"Nash?" He looked up.

"Your dad wants to send you away." Then tears spilled out of his eyes.

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