7. Hospital waiting

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-Third Person-

Cameron was getting annoyed. He had been waiting for Nash to pick him up from the airport, for two hours. He had called and texted Nash but got no answer. Little did Cameron know that his best friend was laying on the floor of their apartment, in a pool of his own blood.

Cameron was sure he told Nash that he would be coming home a day earlier since he had left a day earlier. He checked his texts to Nash and noticing a few weird texts from him.

'Camron I lov e you'

'Yor a coool cat'

'Hiw big s your willy'

Not caring about them at this moment, Cameron checked through the rest of his texts, realising that he didn't actually tell Nash.

So he decided to call a Taxi. It arrived after a few minutes, Cameron put his suitcase in the back and got in the passenger seat.

"Where would you like to go sir?" The driver spoke in a southern accent, like Nash's faint one.

Cameron told the man his address and they started driving. He noticed, on a card stuck to the cars dashboard, that the mans name was James.

"You live here or just visiting?" James asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I live here, went to England to visit some family." Cam told him.

"Nice over there? I've always wanted to visit England." He said.

"It is quite nice actually, defiantly a place to visit." Cameron said. James nodded. It was quiet for a while until James turned on the radio. Cameron quietly hummed along to Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray until they made it to Cameron and Nash's apartment.

Cameron payed James and got his things out the boot. The taxi drove off and Cameron went up to the door, noticing the little bike sitting against the wall.

Cameron walked inside and unlocked the door to their apartment, pulling his suitcase into his bedroom he noticed the mess.

Nash. He thought. Nash must had been in his room. Cameron went to go scream at Nash for being in there when he realised the mess in the lounge room with the faint sound of the speakers playing 7/11 by Beyoncé.

Cameron analysed the mess. Nash's clothes, a purple dress, an empty bottle of vodka, pillows everywhere. But where was Nash?

Cameron began to feel worried, knowing Nash does silly thing when he's drunk, also knowing Nash's dad, Chad, would kill Cameron if he knew that Nash had been drinking. Since both Yoshi and Bryant were out of town, Cameron was supposed to be looking after the 16 year old.

Cameron called out Nash's name serval times, getting no reply. He checked in Nash's bedroom, bathroom, but nothing. He went in the kitchen, expecting nothing again but instead found just what he was looking for.

Nash lay in a small pool of blood on the floor, naked and with a big cut on his forehead.

Cameron feared the worst and started panicking at the sight. He ran to Nash and lightly shoved him, trying to wake him up, if it was possible. Cameron, realising Nash would not wake up by being pushed, pulled out his phone and immediately dialled 911.

At this point Cameron was crying, he was stuttering and shaking. He didn't want to loose his best friend, never ever. He was holding onto Nash's cold hands and didn't want to let go.

But at the same time, Cameron was struggling to keep his eyes up at Nash's face. He put a pillow that was laying on the floor over Nash's junk to cover it.

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