10. Flights to Brazilll

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Nash didn't manage to get back to sleep because soon after Matthew had left, yells of frustration came out of Cameron's room where both Matt and Cam were playing Call of Duty, Matthew was winning immensely and Cameron accused him of cheating, even though that seemed impossible in a game that advanced. (A/N Lol idk how COD works)

Cameron was feeling happier than before, he had forgotten about the kiss, being with Matthew made him forget his worries because Matthew was just that kind of guy.

Cameron paused the game when he heard the bell of the door.

"Its probably the Jacks." Cam said to Matt while putting his Xbox controller down and running out the door. Cameron scowled at Nash and whispered 'fag' when he walked past the kitchen remembering everything. Nash had went downstairs to get some Fruity Pebbles. He looked to the ground and sighed, pouring milk into his bowl of cereal.

Cameron opened the door and was greeted with a big hug from Johnson,

"Great to see you Cam." Jack said as he let Cameron go.

"You too Jack." Cameron said, picking up some luggage like the gentleman he is.

"How's it been going cam?" Jack Gilinsky asked while pulling a suitcase.

"It's been good, how was your tour?" Cameron said walking in and noticing Nash was gone. He took their bags into the guest room.

"It was great, the fans were so hype, everything was really." Gilinsky said while placing the suitcase down.

"Ready for Brazil?" Cam asked.

"Hell yeah." Jack G smiled.

"Wanna come up to my room and play some COD?" Cameron asked both the Jacks.

"Sure, Matt here yet?" JG said walking out the door with Cameron and Johnson following close behind.

"Yeah he's up there already." Cam said as he walked up the stairs.

"Is Nash in his room?" Johnson asked.

"Uh yeah I think." Cameron said. "Be careful." He added, thinking about now Nash might kiss Jack as well, he didn't want that to happen because he didn't want Jack to turn gay

no it's because you like Nash

if I liked Nash why would I hate him so much?

Cameron was fighting his mind and hadn't realised he stopped outside his door.

Gilinsky chuckled at the constipated expression on Cameron's face, he patted his shoulder, shaking Cam from his thoughts and opening his eyes, before walking into Cams room and high fiving Matt.

Johnson on the other hand was curious about the sniffles coming from inside Nash's room. He hand an ear pressed against the door just listening. Jack got bored of the crying and knocked on the door.

"Uh, who is it?" Nash said while wiping his eyes, getting ready to face whoever was at the door.

"It's Jack, Johnson, you alright in there Nash?" JJ was concerned about the younger boy.

"Yeah uh just a sec." Nash said while he quickly dried his eyes and blew his nose, he stumbled to the door and was met with a troubled looking Jack Johnson.

"What's wrong dude?" Jack said as he took Nash in for a hug.

"Nothing, I'm fine, it's great to see you!" Nash said, trying to change the subject.

"Your obviously not fine." Johnson said, walking into the room and laying on Nash's bed while Nash lay beside him and they both looked up at the ceiling. After a few moments of silence Jack spoke up,

"Well if your not gonna tell me what's wrong lets go do something, ahh I know, let's go to the beach." He said sitting up, looking to Nash to see if he agreed.

"I can't." Nash said pointing to the bandage on his head.

"I'm sure some salt water won't hurt." Jack said, getting up off the bed. Nash sighed when he realised Jack was right and mumbled a 'fine'.

"Great, I'll go tell the others." Johnson walked out the room. Nash internally groaned knowing he would have to face Cameron again.

He got changed and put a towel over his shoulders, grabbing the corners to cover his naked chest.

Nash took longer than he thought because all the boys were waiting downstairs for him, naked-chested.

"Ew Cam put a shirt on that's so gay." Nash mumbled when he walked past Cameron. Cam scoffed,

"I'm the gay one?" He said loudly so all the other boys could hear, Nash glared at him pleadingly and angrily.

Cam walked out the door, leaving three pairs of curious eyes on Nash who shrugged and followed Cameron.

The boys got to the beach which wasn't very packed considering it was 7PM, but the sun was still visible.

A fan came up to Matthew and asked for a picture, which he gladly agreed to take, while the other boys looked for a place to put their stuff down.

The sand was cold on Nash's feet but he liked it. He ran over to the jetty with his towel as a cape, stopping when Cameron told him to quit acting like a five year old.

Nash put his towel down under the jetty with the others doing the same.

"I'll stay here." Nash said, not wanting the salt water to hurt his cut and not wanting to be near Cameron who was already in the ocean.

"No Nash, your coming in." Johnson said sternly while laying his towel down flat.

"Jack I don't want to." Nash whined.

"I don't know what's going on between you and Cameron but it shouldn't stop you from going swimming, salt water will help your head anyway." Jack said, sticking out his hand to help Nash up. When Nash didn't get up, Jack grabbed his arm, pulling him up and over to the water.

Nash winced as the cold water hit his feet but was immediately distracted when he saw a wet Cameron coming out of the water. Cold droplets of the salty water ran down Cameron toned abs and tanned skin. Nash wished he could run his hands through Cams wet hair while he kissed his beautiful pink lips, but of course, that wasn't going to happen.

Jack clicked his fingers in front of Nash's gazing face, laughing when Nash looked at him cluelessly.

A wave crashed into both of the boys, causing them to fall over. Jack came up coughing and Nash came up singing.

"When the tide hits you straight in the face." He mumbled gaining a chuckle from Johnson.

After an hour of swimming everyone was hungry. Nash suggested getting fast food but Cameron insisted on making a healthy meal back at home but Nash fell asleep before he had dinner which also helped him avoid an angry Cameron who had found a crusty burnt pizza in the oven.


Nash was woken up by his annoying alarm, he showered and ate some breakfast.

Cameron had called a taxi which had just arrived. The five tired boys (should I say young men) climbed into the taxi, barley fitting in but managing.

They were meeting Chad and a few other men at the gate.

It took them about an hour to get through everything. Luckily there were no fans wanting pictures because they were already five minutes late for the plane. When Nash saw his father waiting for him and the others he was relived he hadn't missed the flight, they were rushed to the plane and took their seats.

Nash was supposed to be sitting next to Cameron but it looked like he had switched seat with Matt. Cameron was sitting across from Matt, Nash next to the window and Matthew in the middle, across from them Jack and Jack sat next to Chad who had the window seat.

Nash got excited as the place gained speed and took off down the runway. He loved flying, he felt free and loved seeing the world from up high.

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