3. Fab pasta

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"Stop fucking flirting with my girlfriend Cameron!" I yelled to a shirtless Cameron, Nicole was right, he did look good without a shirt, but I'm angry at him so I can't think that.

"What the hell dude? I'm not!" He stated, looking everywhere but my eyes.

"Stop fucking lying!" I yelled.

"Your a shit boyfriend anyway." I heard him mumble while looking at the ground.

"Really?" His head shot up, surprised that I had heard him. "Well your a shit best friend!" I yelled and ran up to my room. I forcefully shut the door and locked it, then I fell on my bed and thought about what just happened.
He hates me now. I started crying at the thought. I soon fell asleep.

'Nash come here.' I turned around to see Cameron staring at me, I smiled. 'Nash lets go swimming.' He said, I looked around, we were at a beach, it was dark, the water glistened in the moon light, no one was here. 'Come on Nash' Cameron cooed as he walked into the water, once I got in he was out in the deep.

'Nash! Nash help! I can't swim Nash!' I looked for Cameron, he was splashing around. I got worried and swam as fast as I could but it wasn't working.

'Cameron!' I yelled. 'Cameron I cant its not working!'

'Nash please!' Cameron cried. I kept swimming, trying to get to him, but the water was holding me back, it was like I was swimming in glue. Suddenly Cameron went down, the glue left and I swam to where he was, I dived down, but he was gone. The water drained away somewhere and I was left in a pitch black place, all I could hear Cameron's voice.

'Your a shit boyfriend anyway.' It repeated, again and again and again.

'I'm not!' I yelled.

'Your a shit boyfriend anyway.' It got louder

'Your a shit boyfriend anyway.' And louder

'Your a shit boyfriend anyway.' Until it was all I could hear.



I jolted awake. Cameron was knocking on the door.

"Go away!" My voice was croaky and my cheeks were wet. I went into my bathroom to inspect. My eyes were red and puffy. I must of been crying in my dream.

"Nash open the door! I'm sorry!" He yelled through the door. I wiped my eyes. "Nash please." He said. I sighed and went to the door, unlocked it and opened it. And there was Cameron, staring at me, his eyes were also red and puffy.

"You were crying?" He looked at me straight in the eyes. I wiped them again and didn't say anything, he sighed, and I starred.

"Nash, I'm sorry, for flirting and stuff." He said looking down, I suddenly felt a wave of guilt come over me. I can't stay mad at him for too long.

"It's okay Cam." I said. He looked at me, he seemed surprised, as if he didn't believe me. I have him a small smile then he came at me with a hug. I hugged back, inhaling his great smelling cologne. We let go of each other, as much as I didn't want to.

"Come on, let's go out for dinner." Cam said. I'm sure it was only like 11am when I went to bed. I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. I clicked the home button, my screen flashed on to the picture of Cam and I from a photo shoot, I smiled at the picture, my eyes flickered slightly up to the time. 9pm. Wow that was a long sleep.

"Just let me change first." I said noticing I was still in my clothes from yesterdays meet and greet.

"Mkay, be down in five." Cam said and left. I shut the door and went to my closet, grabbing out some black sweat pants and a grey hoodie. I pulled off my clothes and put the fresh ones on. I got some socks and put on my sneakers then went downstairs to see Cameron on his phone.

"Your really dressed up." Cam said.

"Well it's 9 at night, what do you expect." I said, Cam got off the couch and came over to me. He was wearing grey basketball shorts, black socks that were halfway up his calfs, black Vans and a navy blue shirt, he also had bed hair. To sum up, he was looking pretty cute.

"Come on let's go." He said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the door. We got in the car, he drove.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"I don't know, let's just see." He said turning a corner and parking across the road of the first restaurant on the street.We got out of the car, crossed the road and examined the clearly Italian restaurant. The shop was green, red and white and you could smell and hear the food cooking. It was cute, the whole restaurant, it looked quite expensive as well.

Cam went to the counter while I went to get a table. He came back with two menus.

"They close at 10 so we can't stay here forever." He told me as he sat down in the red cushioned chair.

"Cool." I replied while browsing through the menu. The waiter came up to our table holding a pen and paper.

"What would you guys like today?" He asked in an Australian accent.

"I'll have the ravioli please." I told him.

"And I'll have the linguini with the tomato based sauce please." Cam said.

"Any drinks?" The waiter asked.

"No thanks." We both said and the waiter left.

"So, where did you and Nicole meet?" Shit! I panicked, quickly trying to make up an excuse in my head.

"Uhhhmm t-the meet and greet, in um Salt Lake City, yeah, then." I said quickly, luckily Cameron seemed to believe me.

"That was a while ago, why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"Um I just, I don't know, she said not to." I struggled to get out.

"Ok, do you wanna do something tomo----" Cam got cut off by the waiter putting our food down.

"That was quick." He said to me after the waiter had left. I mumbled a yeah and started eating. The food was fab.

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