19. Graveyard kisses

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It's amazing and heartbreaking, how in a matter of seconds your life can be turned upside down, how someone you love dearly one minute can be gone the next.

Everyone was dressed in black, throwing flowers of all different types on his coffin. Speeches were made, celebrating his life and now mourning his death.

Everyone was there, Hayes, Taylor, Shawn, all the boys. His family, friends, lovers.

Nash was in tears, crying into his mothers shoulder. Everyone was crying. He was a loved man. Although he was very opinionated, he was still a great father half the time.

After the burial of Chads coffin, everyone went back into the church for a few more speeches and some food.

It was a sad day for the whole family.

Nash sat on a bench looking out to all the graves, it was quite a beautiful graveyard, everything presented elegantly. Nash was sniffling, his eyes red and puffy and his cheeks blotchy from all the crying.

A person sat down next to Nash and pulled him into his arms.

"I can't believe he's gone Cameron, and I was so horrible to him, it's all my fault." Nash mumbled into the older boys chest, while Cameron lightly stroked his back, comforting Nash.

"It's not your fault Nash, stop blaming yourself." Cameron pulled Nash up so he could look into his eyes.

"If I wasn't distract--"

"No, Nash, stop, just stop thinking about it, okay? " Cameron said, bringing his lips to nashs chapped ones, sharing a loving kiss.

"I love you Cameron." Nash mumbled into the kiss, feeling a beautiful smile form on Cameron's face.

"Everything will turn out okay, I promise."

I apologise for the length of this chapter but there will be a longer epilogue coming.

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