8. Prunes

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Nash's POV

I awoke to someone holding my hand. I was in a bed, in a white room. To my left a boy was sleeping.

It was Cameron holding my hand. I was overjoyed to see him and went to hug him but noticing the thing attacked to my thumb and some tubes connected to my arm I decided not to.

So I watched him sleep. Not in a creepy way. I observed his features, his tan skin and kissable lips. He looked so perfect sitting there in that ugly grey coloured chair.

Cameron began to stir and soon his eyes were met with mine.

"Nash? Your awake!" He smiled.

"Yeah." I smiled back.

"Dude, I was so worried. What happened?" He asked, sitting up. My memories came flooding back.

"Well, um, I found some alcohol and drank it and hit my head and woke up." I explained. "Don't tell Chad." I added, knowing my dad would make me move back to North Carolina, not something I was willing to do.

"Wasn't planning to." Cameron mumbled, I smiled, knowing he wouldn't.

"When can I go home?" I wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure, are you hungry?" He said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind if you got me some food." I smiled innocently.

"Fineeee." Cam whined. And left. Without even asking what I wanted..

A nurse came in a few minutes later.

"Mr Grier! Your awake, how are you feeling." She scurried over to me.

"I'm good, my head hurts a little." I told her.

"Well it seemed like you had a bad fall, do you remember anything?" She asked.

"Yeah, I tripped over some oranges and hit my head." I told her. She smiled. "Do you know when i can leave?"

"Well Dr Peter said once you are feeling better you can leave, as long as someone is with you back at home." She said.

"Okay." I smiled. She smiled back and left. Cameron came back soon after carrying two cinnamon donuts and a juice. He handed me a donut and the juice.

"Healthy breakfast." I commented.

"Yeah, I tried to get the juice with less sugar." He said, I chuckled at how serious he was.

"How's Nicole?" Cam asked while sitting down on the same chair he slept on before. I cringed at the question.

"I don't even care." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Cam questioned.

"She's so totally amazing, I love her to bits." I sarcastically told him and started to drink my pulpy orange juice hoping he wouldn't ask anything else about her. I wonder if she even knows I'm in hospital?

"Can we go home now please Cameronnn." I whined.

"Yeah, the doctor just wants to ask you some things, I'll go get him." Cam said and walked out of the room. I finished my juice and donut while waiting. The doctor came in and asked me questions about my fall and if I had any health issues, I told him what I knew and then got dressed in the clothes Cameron brought for me. They were his clothes and they smelt great.

Cameron signed me out of the hospital and we caught a taxi back home because Cam came in the ambulance.

We got home and Cameron ordered me to clean up the house which took about three hours because the dried blood in the kitchen sort of stained the ground. Then he yelled at me for going in his room. He was really hot when he was angry, the way his muscles tensed made my breathing speed up.

"Are you even listening?!" He yelled, snapping me out of my gaze of his muscles.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered, recovering from the feels. "I'm gonna have a bath." I added and walked away from him, he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Nash, don't go in my room." He said sternly, I nodded and walked into the bathroom, turning on the tap and adding some bubble bath.

After about 5 minutes the bath was almost full. I got naked and jumped in.

Why doesn't Cam want me in his room? What's he hiding? Maybe he has a secret folder with pictures of me in it because he's madly in love with me.

Haha no.

Soon I fell asleep in the water only to wake up half a hour later with skin like a prune.

I got out of the bath and let out the water, wrapping the towel around my waist and picking up my dirty clothes and throwing them in a basket. I walked out into my room, only to see Cameron sitting on my bed, staring at me.

"I know you want my peacock." I winked.

"Ew dude I'm not gay." He scrunched his nose up. "Plus you look like a white prune."

"Whatever, get out I needa get dressed." I huffed. He sighed and walked out.

I realised it was actually pretty late so I fell asleep on my bed, not bothering to put clothes on.


A/N Hey guys sorry this is short and sorry I didn't update earlier. I finished planning the plot because I had only written what was going to happen up to here. I also had a cool idea for another Cash book but I'll tell you about that later.

What's the difference between a donut and a bagel? I'm Australian and we only have donuts.

I forgot what else I was gonna say so I'll just say bye I guess.

So bye, cya next time :)

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