ch 04.

486 27 9


"KAGEYAMA" YOU DRAG OUT THE BOYS NAME, in a whiney tone. "l/n, you've been complaining about this guy for the last fifteen minutes-i don't know what i'm supposed to do or say." the black haired boy says, "give me advice! duh!" you told him, hearing a huff from the first year.

"ask him for his name, idiot. for all you know he could very well be a volleyball player i know, and boom! makes the situation 10x easier" he enthusiastically says with sarcasm, "yeah, but how? do i just say, hey what's your name? it's kinda creepy.." you cringe, "honestly i don't care at this point, i'm hanging up." he says, "ugh fine, bye kags!" you hang up.

you click on your messages tapping the random number you've been texting for about a week now.

( 704 ) albert einstein 🧪

today 11:37


i havea question

dontfreak out

what is it...

what's your name


testurou kuroo


i didn't think youd answer without questioning me

you only raise suspicion on yourself

true 🙁

i'm y/n l/n

nice name 😊

no my parents need to get a refund.

what i like it it's






shouldn't you be studying

thirds years have a math test today

already finished

yk we do have different schedules right 🤔

oh fr? no 😕

ur so stingy

who put a stick up ur ass

or perhaps that's what you prefer?

i don't discriminate!!<3

goodbye y/n.

and i'm not gay


ok bye 😣

📷 ( iMessage )

"miss l/n! please go to the office, you have been on your phone this entire time not paying attention to a single word i've said!" the teacher scolds you, you heavily sigh exiting the classroom. "i was told to come here due to misconduct?" you told the man at the desk, with a bland tone, audibly annoyed.

"just sit down over there, you can go back to your next class when it starts." he shrugs, you walk over sitting in one of the soft leather seats. "this is fate isn't it?" you a familiar voice say, you look up to see the tall boy with spiky black hair, and a proud smile on his face. "must be, what'd you get sent here for?" you asks.

"on my phone." he shrugs, and you raise your brows in shock. "me too, you're not my doppelgänger right?" you question, seriously. his brows knit and he tilts his head, "no?" you both chuckle, and he goes to check in with the front desk just like you did. "i don't know what teachers expect to do after work."

you scoff in disbelief, "they're teachers, they expect to work, what else?" he says an a obvious tone, you roll your eyes and shrug. "it's just stupid to me, we almost graduate soon and exams are coming up-they could at least give us a break!" he nods in agreement, "yeah, it is getting a little old." "EXACTLY!"

the two of you talk for about 45 minutes before going to your next class and you can't help but curse yourself missing your chance to ask for his name.

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