ch 09.

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three months later.

"HOLY FUCK IT'S CROWDED IN HERE." you mumble, and kuroo's arm was around your waist keeping you close to him. "babe, we're at an college orientation , what'd you expect?" he whispers, "don't get smart with me, testurou." you narrow your eyes at your boyfriend.

"my bad." he chuckles, you head to the seats in the back which was where both of you were most comfortable. once it started you two listened thoroughly, possibly missing a couple things-but not much. you stretch getting up from your chair hearing bones crack, "good to know i'm still alive n' kickin'" you laugh.

the boy looked at you as if you were crazy, "you sound like a damn old person." he shook his head, "i'm an old soul!" you sung, catching up to him. "oh, trust me, i know," he kisses your cheek, "it's one of the things i love most about you." his words made your heart race, "i love your corny words but hate them at the same time!" you laugh.

he smiles at you, "that's how i feel about you constantly bullying me." he scoffs, "i do not bully you," you poke his shoulder, "you're fun to mess around with." he raises a brow, "quoting me?" the spiky haired boy asked, "i don't ever recall you saying those words to me." you close your eyes poking your nose up.

"y/n! kuroo!" the two of you turn around seeing, sugawara and asahi, former kurasuno third years. "hi you two!" you hug the two before pulling away, returning to kuroo's side, as you both make small talk with them. "koushi, what're you majoring in?" you ask, "education, i've always wanted to educate kids." you nod.

"what about you, azumane?" you turn to the long haired male. "apparel design, i know-doesn't seem like something i'd do." he sighed, "nope! i think whatever you choose is suitable for you. koushi, i'll be sure to send our children to you school." you wink at kuroo, and he smirks, putting his arm around you. "bye!"

the two of you walk back home in the warm september weather, "hey, y/n? are you still undecided with your major?" your love asks, and you nod. "alright, i just wanted to say-i'll support you no matter what you choose, as long as your happy that's all that matters to me." he says, and you pout stealing a quick kiss from him.

the two of them turn to the opposite sides with the same thoughts.

i'm gonna marry this girl.
i'm gonna marry this boy.

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