ch 06.

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YOU PACED BACK AND FORTH TRYING TO CALM yourself down as you had 4 minutes until your practice speech was about to start. "l/n! calm down please, you'll do fine, just take some deep breaths." the teacher says, and you do as she says feeling your heart beat steady once again. "okay, now go on. you'll do great!" she gives you a thumbs up.

you walk onto the stage, seeing hundreds of third year students, taking a deep breath you close your eyes and clear your throat. "all throughout this year, we've gone through a lot, physically and mentally, although most of these hardships make us miserable-we're able to pull through, never letting the worst get to us too much."

kuroo watched in amazement as he watched the girl he'd be running into in the hallways-along with talking to for almost a month, speak on the stage with much more confidence than she seemed to have during their conversation last night. he'd finally found her, but he knew in the mist of 100 other students,

she probably wouldn't notice him.

"our years at nekoma high school, will probably be our best-and we have so many people to thank for that. as this year comes to an end, i only hope that we can find peace along with clarity as we enter adulthood. thank you." you finished, hearing cheers and claps from your classmates.

you looked around trying to find, miya and vivian, when your eyes landed on an familiar face. hallway boy. you smile to yourself letting out a sigh of relief knowing he was here. "thank you, y/n! now for our sports captains." the principal says motioning for them to come up.

you watch as he gets up, walking towards the stage. "first up, our volleyball captain-tetsurou kuroo!" your jaw drops, and he flashes the crowd a blinding smiling making the girls swoon. you listen as he talks about his team, their losses and wins, and the experiences he's had attending nekoma. you couldn't believe it.

you were backstage leaning against the wall, as your leg bounced impatiently. "oh no, what's wrong?" miya asks, you look up at her looking back down, "that's him," you mumble, "the guy from the dare like a month ago." their jaws drop and they begin squealing like middle schoolers. "you've been texting the tetsurou kuroo for months! he's a heartthrob-total nerd-but a total heartthrob!" viv exclaims.

"it's funny though-we were always bumping into one another in the halls without knowing." you chuckle, "it ended! his speech ended he's gonna be over here any second!" miya whisper-shouts, you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest. you had talked to him before though that was when you didn't know who he was.

you hear footsteps approaching, and you look up to see him standing in front of your, hands in the depths of his pockets, and flushed cheeks. "i-it's you.." you spoke in a small voice than usually, making you clear your throat. "in the flesh." he chuckles.
the awkward atmosphere between you two was suffocating and you hated it.

you walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. kuroo was surprised to say the least, he wasn't expecting her to hug, but he hugged her as well. "you really are short," kuroo laughs, she playfully slaps his shoulder rolling her eyes, "i'm average! 5'6 is average, or tall, i don't remember." she groans.

surprisingly the two talk for a while walking back to the main building, "do you still believe i'm gonna kidnap you?" you joke, he scoffs amusingly, "no, but i'm still wary." you gasp putting a hand on your chest, "i'll have you know, i have an spotless record." he rasises his brows in shock, "i find that hard to believe." he snickers.

"oh whatever--i'm not some crazy rebel!" you wave your hand around, the bell rings and you groan turning to him. "only two more days to hear that before it'll be over," you sigh, "i'll see you later-" you turned on your heel to go to class, before kuroo caught your wrist, "come to my volleyball practice,"

you raise a brow at him, and he rolls his eyes, "it'll give me motivation." he smiles, "fine. i don't know when it starts though so just swing by the art room before and i'll be there!" you told him walking off. once you were out of his view you did a little victory jump, quietly squealing.

unknowingly to y/n, kuroo did the same. he was quite excited that he not only, got the meet the girl he'd been texting for almost a month and a half, but found out she was the pretty girl he was constantly running into in the hallway.

they'd finally found each other.

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